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How to run a Remix and Firebase MakerKit application

Learn how to run a MakerKit application

After installing the modules and the emulators, we can finally run the application in development mode.

We need to execute two commands (and an optional one for Stripe):

  1. Remix Server: the first command is for running the Remix server
  2. Firebase Emulators: the second command is for running the Firebase emulators
  3. Stripe CLI: finally, the Stripe CLI is needed to dispatch webhooks to our local server (optional, only needed when interacting with Stripe)

About this Documentation

This documentation complements the Firebase one and is not meant to be a replacement. We recommend reading the Firebase documentation to get a better understanding of the Firebase concepts and how to use it.

Running the Firebase Emulators

First, let's run the emulators. The command below runs the emulators for the following products: Authentication, Firestore, and Storage.

npm run firebase:emulators:start

Additionally, it imports the default emulator's data from the folder . /firebase-seed, which we set up upfront to run the Cypress tests.

After running the command above, you will be able to access the Firebase Emulators UI at http://localhost:4000.

Running the Remix Server

And now, the Remix server:

npm run dev

If everything goes well, your server should be running at http://localhost:3000.

Running the Stripe CLI

Run the Stripe CLI with the following command:

npm run stripe:listen

Add the Stripe Webhooks Key to your environment file

If this is the first time you run this command, you will need to copy the Webhooks key printed on the console and add it to your development environment variables file:


Saving the Firebase Emulator's data

After shutting the emulators down, the Firebase emulator clears all the records and the users added during the session while the emulators are running.

Fortunately, we can save and restore as many dumps as we want. For example, this can be useful for saving and loading particular scenarios for testing.

To save the current snapshot, run the following command while the emulators are up and running:

npm run firebase:emulators:export

By default, MakerKit imports and exports to ./firebase-seed, but you can change this to any other path.

Always Save on exit

We don't particularly recommend this, but if you want to keep persisting data as you exit the emulators, you can decorate the firebase:emulators:start with the following options:

firebase emulators:start --export-on-exit=./your-directory

Saving your emulators' state can be handy, but keep in mind that for testing reasons, it's always best to create a snapshot of your data and use the same one so that your tests won't break if the data changes.

Of course, change ./your-directory to your preferred path.