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Clone the MakerKit SaaS boilerplate repository

Learn how to clone the MakerKit repository

If you have bought a license for MakerKit, you have access to all the repositories built by the MakerKit team. In this document, we will learn how to fetch and install the codebase.


To get started with the Remix and Firebase SaaS template, we need to ensure you install the required software.

  • Node.js (LTS recommended)
  • Git
  • Docker (optional but recommended)

Cloning the repository

To get the codebase on your local machine, clone the repository with the following command:

git clone my-saas

The command above clones the repository in the folder my-saas which you can rename it with the name of your project.

Initializing Git

Now, run the following commands for:

  1. Moving into the folder
  2. Adding the remote to your own Git repository (if you haven't created a Git repository yet, you can do it later on)
  3. Adding the original Makerkit repository as "upstream" so we can fetch updates from the main repository:
cd my-saas
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin <your-git-repository>
git remote add upstream
git add .
git commit -a -m "Initial Commit"

In this way, to fetch updates (after committing your files), simply run:

git pull upstream main

If it doesn't work, try with:

git pull upstream main --allow-unrelated-histories

You'll likely run into conflicts when running this command, so carefully choose the changes (sorry!).

Installing the Node dependencies

Finally, we can install the NodeJS dependencies with npm:

npm i

While the application code is fully working, we now need to set up your Firebase project.

So let's jump on to the next step!