This documentation is for a legacy version of Next.js Supabase Lite. For the latest version, please visit the Next.js Supabase Turbo documentation

Creating a Record

In this tutorial we show how you can create a record in Postgres.

Creating a record with Supabase is easy. We can use the insert method to create a record in a table.

We combine the mutation with Next.js Server Actions so that we get data revalidation on-the-fly - pretty magical! šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø

The Makerkit convention is to store these in files called mutations.ts in the lib folder of your entity.

For example, here is a mutations file for a task entity.

import type { SupabaseClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'; import type { Database } from '~/database.types'; type Task = { id: string; name: string; userId: string; description: string; dueDate: Date; done: boolean; }; export function createTask( client: SupabaseClient<Database>, task: Omit<Task, 'id'> ) { return client.from('tasks').insert({ name:, user_id: task.userId, description: task.description, due_date: task.dueDate, done: task.done, }); }

Ideally, the Task interface is defined externally, but I am showing it here for simplicity and clarity.

Calling the mutation in a Server Action

We can now export a server action that uses this function to create a task.

'use server'; import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'; import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'; import { createTask } from '~/lib/tasks/mutations'; import type Task from '~/lib/tasks/types/task'; import { withSession } from '~/core/generic/actions-utils'; import getSupabaseServerActionClient from '~/core/supabase/action-client'; type CreateTaskParams = { task: Omit<Task, 'id'>; csrfToken: string; }; export const createTaskAction = withSession( async (params: CreateTaskParams) => { const client = getSupabaseServerActionClient(); const path = `/tasks`; await createTask(client, params.task); // revalidate the tasks page revalidatePath(path, 'page'); // redirect to the tasks page redirect(path); }, );

The withSession function is a helper that ensures that the user is logged in. If not, it will redirect to the login page. Use it for all server actions that require a user to be logged in.

Calling the mutation in a React component

Finally, it's a matter of calling the Next.js Server Action within the React component that handles the form submission.

Assuming you have a form element, you can do something like this:

import { createTaskAction } from '~/lib/tasks/actions'; import useCsrfToken from '~/core/hooks/use-csrf-token'; function TaskForm() { const csrfToken = useCsrfToken(); return ( <form action={createTaskAction}> <input type="text" name="" /> <input type="text" name="task.description" /> <input type="date" name="task.dueDate" /> <input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value={csrfToken} /> <button type="submit">Create Task</button> </form> ); }

Adding the CSRF token is required in all POST requests. You can use the useCsrfToken hook to get the token and passing it as a hidden input.

You can also call the function imperatively if you don't use a traditional form component.

import { useTransition } from "react"; import useCsrfToken from '~/core/hooks/use-csrf-token'; const [isPending, starTransition] = useTransition() const onSubmit = (task: Task) => { startTransition(async () => { await createTaskAction({ task, csrfToken }); }) };

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