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Configuring your SaaS Stripe Plans in your Makerkit Next.js Supabase App

Learn how to configure the Stripe plans in your SaaS application with Makerkit

When taking payments from Stripe, you're required to configure your subscription's plans.

Your plans need to be configured in two places:

  1. Stripe - first, you need to define your products and plans in Stripe itself. This requires you to have an account in Stripe.
  2. Configuration: - then, you will copy your plans data in the Makerkit configuration, which is used to render the Pricing table and display the prices metadata

Pricing Table Configuration

Below is the default Pricing Table configuration of the kits. The PricingTable component will automatically generate the pricing table based on the Stripe plans you have created and added to the configuration (see below).

We have 3 products (Basic, Pro and Premium), each with 2 plans (monthly, yearly). By default, the Pro plan is set as the recommended plan.

Of course, the below is simply an example. You will need to customize this according to your application's plans.

stripe: {
products: [
name: 'Basic',
description: 'Description of your Basic plan',
badge: `Up to 20 users`,
features: [
'Basic Reporting',
'Up to 20 users',
'1GB for each user',
'Chat Support',
plans: [
name: 'Monthly',
price: '$9',
stripePriceId: '<price_id>',
trialPeriodDays: 7,
name: 'Yearly',
price: '$90',
stripePriceId: '<price_id>',
trialPeriodDays: 7,
name: 'Pro',
badge: `Most Popular`,
recommended: true,
description: 'Description of your Pro plan',
features: [
'Advanced Reporting',
'Up to 50 users',
'5GB for each user',
'Chat and Phone Support',
plans: [
name: 'Monthly',
price: '$29',
stripePriceId: 'pro-plan-mth',
trialPeriodDays: 7,
name: 'Yearly',
price: '$200',
stripePriceId: 'pro-plan-yr'
name: 'Premium',
description: 'Description of your Premium plan',
badge: ``,
features: [
'Advanced Reporting',
'Unlimited users',
'50GB for each user',
'Account Manager',
plans: [
name: '',
price: 'Contact us',
stripePriceId: '',
label: `Contact us`,
href: `/contact`,

Update the Stripe Price IDs values!

Please replace the property stripePriceId with the real price ID from the Stripe Dashboard.



Additional Configuration

You can also configure the following properties on each product:

  • recommended - set to true if you want to highlight a plan as recommended
  • badge - set to a string if you want to display a badge next to the plan name

You can also configure the following properties on each plan:

  • price - any string that you want to display as the price (e.g. $9.99 or Free)
  • label - set to a custom string if you want to display a button label
  • href - set to a custom URL if you want to link to a custom page (for example, a contact page)
  • trialPeriodDays - set to the number of days you want to offer a free trial for