Reading a list of Documents

Learn how to read a list of documents from Firebase using both the Web SDK and the Admin SDK in your Next.js Firebase application

Reading a List of Documents with the Client SDK

The client SDK uses Reactfire to make it easier to fetch data directly from React components using React Hooks.

Reading a List of Documents with "useFirestoreCollectionData"

In the example below, we will fetch a list of user organizations using the Firebase client SDK and Reactfire.

To do so, we use the React hook useFirestoreCollectionData, which allows us to stream real-time changes from a collection based on the filters provided.

import { collection, where, query, CollectionReference, } from 'firebase/firestore'; import { useFirestore, useFirestoreCollectionData } from 'reactfire'; import { Organization } from '~/lib/organizations/types/organization'; import { ORGANIZATIONS_COLLECTION } from '~/lib/firestore-collections'; export function useFetchUserOrganizations(userId: string) { const firestore = useFirestore(); const organizationsCollection = collection( firestore, ORGANIZATIONS_COLLECTION ) as CollectionReference<WithId<Organization>>; const userPath = `members.${userId}`; const operator = '!='; // we query Firestore for all the organizations // where the user is a member, therefore where he path // members.<user_id> is not null const constraint = where(userPath, operator, null); const organizationsQuery = query(organizationsCollection, constraint); return useFirestoreCollectionData(organizationsQuery, { idField: `id`, initialData: [], }); }

Breaking down the code above:

  • We first import the useFirestoreCollectionData hook from reactfire and the collection, where and query functions from firebase/firestore.
  • We then use the useFirestore hook to get access to the Firestore instance.
  • We then create a reference to the organizations collection.
  • We then create a query to fetch all the organizations where the user is a member.
  • Finally, we use the useFirestoreCollectionData hook to fetch the data from Firestore.

Using the Data

The useFirestoreCollectionData hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • data: the data returned from Firestore
  • status: the status of the request
function UserOrganizations({ userId, }: React.PropsWithChildren<{ userId: string; }>) { const { data, status } = useFetchUserOrganizations(userId); if (status === 'loading') { return <p>Loading...</p>; } if (status === 'error') { return <p>Error</p>; } return ( <ul> { => ( <li key={}>{}</li> ))} </ul> ); }

Using the Admin SDK

The Admin SDK is used to read data from the server-side.

Reading a List of Documents with "getDocs"

In the example below, we will fetch a list of user organizations using the Firebase Admin SDK.

import getRestFirestore from '~/core/firebase/admin/get-rest-firestore'; export async function getOrganizationsForUser(userId: string) { const firestore = getRestFirestore(); const organizationsCollection = firestore.collection('organizations'); const result = await organizationsCollection .where(`members.${userId}`, '!=', null) .get(); return => { return {, members: [], id:, role:[userId].role, }; }); }

You can use the function above in an API route or in a getServerSideProps function.

To learn more about the above, check out both the Firebase and Reactfire respective documentations.

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