This documentation is for a legacy version of Remix and Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Remix and Supabase V2 documentation

Adding a new translation file | Remix Supabase SaaS Kit

How to add a new translation file to your Remix Supabase SaaS Kit application

To add a new translation to your application next to the default ones (common, auth, profile, etc.) you need to:

  1. create the new JSON file, for example tasks.json in the public/locales/<lang> folder
  2. add the new bundle name to the translations list in the app/i18n/i18next.config.ts file:
import isBrowser from '~/core/generic/is-browser';
const env = isBrowser() ? window.ENV : process.env;
const i18Config = {
fallbackLanguage: DEFAULT_LOCALE,
supportedLanguages: [DEFAULT_LOCALE],
defaultNS: ['common', 'auth', 'organization', 'profile', 'subscription'],
react: { useSuspense: false },
export default i18Config;

We add the tasks bundle name to the i18Config.defaultNS array:

const i18Config = {
fallbackLanguage: DEFAULT_LOCALE,
supportedLanguages: [DEFAULT_LOCALE],
defaultNS: ['common', 'auth', 'organization', 'profile', 'subscription', 'tasks'],
react: { useSuspense: false },

Now, refresh the dev server and your new bundled will be picked up by the i18n module.