This documentation is for a legacy version of Remix and Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Remix and Supabase V2 documentation

Adding pages to the application of your Makerkit Remix Supabase project

Learn how to add new pages to the application of your Makerkit Remix Supabase project.

To add a new page to the application site of your Remix project, you can create a new page in the app/routes directory under the layout _app. This means your new pages will follow the convention _app.<page>.tsx.

For example, the tasks page of the application is located at app/routes/_app.tasks._index.tsx.

What does the _app layout do?

By "application", we mean the private pages of your project behind the authentication wall, such as the dashboard, the settings page, etc.

This directory contains the pages that are only accessible to authenticated users.

Layout and Sidebar

Pages created within the layout _app will inherit the layout of the directory and will be displayed together with the Sidebar menu.

Example - Creating a new page

For example, let's create a Tasks application located at /tasks. We will then create a new page at _app.tasks._index.tsx.

import type {
} from '@remix-run/node';
import { useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';
import { RectangleStackIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline';
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';
import AppHeader from '~/components/AppHeader';
import AppContainer from '~/components/AppContainer';
export const meta: MetaFunction = () => {
return [
title: 'Tasks',
export async function loader(args: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
await requireSession(
// return tasks
function TasksPage() {
const { tasks } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
return (
<span className={'flex space-x-2'}>
<RectangleStackIcon className="w-6" />
<Trans i18nKey={'common:tasksTabLabel'} />
{/* ... */}
export default TasksPage;

Remember: always validate the session in every page

The parallel loading done by Remix to optimize the loading of the application means we cannot rely on parent routes to validate the session. This means that we need to validate the session in every page.

If your page needs authentication, add a loader and protect it with requireSession:

export async function loader(
args: LoaderFunctionArgs
) {
await requireSession(


Layout-wise, we added the following components:

  1. An AppHeader component that will be used to render the header of the page. This component is located at app/components/AppHeader.tsx.
  2. An AppContainer component that will be used to render the content of the page. This component is located at app/components/AppContainer.tsx.

You can omit these components if you don't need them.