Announcing the Waitlist plugin

The waitlist plugin is a new feature that allows your users to sign up for early access to your app.

I am happy to announce the release of the new waitlist plugin for Makerkit 🎉

The waitlist plugin allows your users to sign up for early access to your app, making it easier for you to build a list of interested users before your app is even launched.

This was one of the most requested additions to Makerkit, and I'm excited to finally be able to share it with you! 🚀

How does the Waitlist plugin work?

Here is a short summary of how the waitlist plugin works:

  1. Waitlist form: The waitlist plugin adds a form to your app that allows users to sign up for early access. You can add this anywhere in your app, and customize the trigger to fit your design.
  2. Waitlist collection: The users who sign up for early access are added to the waitlist table in your database.
  3. Marking users as invited: To invite users to your app, you can mark them as approved from the Supabase dashboard, or by updating the approved field in the waitlist table with a query (such as, customers subscribed before a certain date)
  4. Email notifications: Our Database trigger will send an email to the user when they are marked as approved - letting them know they can now access the app.

The signup form will look like the below image:

How to install the waitlist plugin into your Kit

Please follow the documentation to install the Waitlist Plugin. This will guide you through the process of adding the plugin to your app and setting up the database migrations.

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