Deploying to Production
Learn how to deploy your Remix Supabase app to your hosting provider.
Before deploying to production or any remote server, you need to follow all the steps outlined in the documentation.
Much of this work needs to be done externally, not in the Makerkit codebase.
- Supabase: Create a new Supabase project, and add the relevant environment variables to your project
- Link project with the CLI: Link the Supabase project with your local CLI
- Remote Database: Deploy the database schema and migrations to your Supabase project
- Environment Variables: Ensure that your environment variables are set correctly
- Auth: Enable the authentication providers you want to use from the Supabase Console
- SMTP: Set up an SMTP server to send emails for team invites - and also do the same in Supabase Console to avoid their very low limits and better deliverability
- Payments: Set up your Stripe or Lemon Squeezy accounts and add the relevant environment variables
- Deployment: Finally, deploy your application to your hosting provider (Vercel, Firebase, Netlify, etc.): please follow the instructions provided by your hosting provider to deploy a Remix application.