Running the React Router Supabase Turbo project

Learn how to run the React Router Supabase Turbo project on your local machine.

To run the project - there are some commands you need to run.

  1. Start the development server (web application)
  2. Start Supabase (ensure Docker is running)
  3. Start Stripe (optional, if you want to test the billing system)

0. Environment variables

Please create a copy of the .env.template file and rename it .env.

1. Start the development server

# Start the development server
pnpm dev

This command will run the web application.

Please refer to apps/web/ for more information about the web application.

To get started right away, use the credentials below:

  • Email:
  • Password: testingpassword

To confirm email addresses, please visit Inbucket: Supabase uses Inbucket to capture emails sent during the authentication process.

Testing the Super Admin locally

By default, we seed the auth.users table with a super admin user. To login as this user, you can use the following credentials:

"email": "",
"password": "testingpassword"

Since you require MFA for the Super Admin user, please use the following steps to pass MFA:

  1. TOTP: Use the following TOTP generator to generate a TOTP code.
  2. Secret Key: Use the test secret key NHOHJVGPO3R3LKVPRMNIYLCDMBHUM2SE to generate a TOTP code.
  3. Verify: Use the TOTP code and the secret key to verify the MFA code. Make sure the TOTP code is not expired when you verify the MFA code.

2. Start Supabase

Run the following command to start Supabase (or use your IDE to run the command in the package.json)

pnpm run supabase:web:start

This command will start the Supabase web server.

3. Start Stripe

If you want to test the billing system, you can start Stripe by running the following command:

pnpm run stripe:listen

This will route webhooks to your local machine.