Code Health and Testing in Makerkit. Set up Github Actions, pre-commit hooks | React Router Supabase SaaS Kit

Learn how to set up Github Actions, pre-commit hooks, and more in Makerkit to ensure code health and quality.

Makerkit provides a set of tools to ensure code health and quality in your project. This includes setting up Github Actions, pre-commit hooks, and more.

Github Actions

By default, Makerkit sets up Github Actions to run tests on every push to the repository. You can find the Github Actions configuration in the .github/workflows directory.

The workflow has two jobs:

  1. typescript - runs the Typescript compiler to check for type errors.
  2. test - runs the Playwright tests in the tests directory.

Enable E2E Tests

Since it needs some setup - these are not enabled by default. To enable E2E tests, you need to set the following environment variables in the Github Actions workflow:


Configuring the E2E environment for Github Actions

To set up Github Actions for your project, please add the following secrets to your repository Github Actions settings:

  1. SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY - the service role key for Supabase.
  2. SUPABASE_DB_WEBHOOK_SECRET - the webhook secret for Supabase.
  3. STRIPE_SECRET_KEY - the secret key for Stripe.
  4. STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET - the webhook secret for Stripe.

These are the same as the ones you have running the project locally. Don't use real secrets here - use the development app secrets that you use locally. This is a testing environment, and you don't want to expose your production secrets.

Additionally, please set the following environment variables in the Github Actions workflow:

  1. VITE_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY - this is the publishable key for Stripe.
  2. SUPABASE_DB_WEBHOOK_SECRET: Use the value WEBHOOKSECRET for the webhook secret. Again, this is a testing environment, so we add testing values.

Enable Stripe Tests

Since it needs some setup - these are not enabled by default. To enable Stripe tests, you need to set the following environment variables in the Github Actions workflow:


Of course - make sure you have the Stripe secrets set up in the Github Actions secrets.

Pre-Commit Hook

It's recommended to set up a pre-commit hook to ensure that your code is linted correctly and passes the typechecker before committing.

Setting up the Pre-Commit Hook

To do so, create a pre-commit file in the ./.git/hooks directory with the following content:

pnpm run typecheck
pnpm run lint

Turborepo will execute the commands for all the affected packages - while skipping the ones that are not affected.

Make the Pre-Commit Hook Executable

Now, make the file executable:

chmod +x ./.git/hooks/pre-commit

To test the pre-commit hook, try to commit a file with linting errors or type errors. The commit should fail, and you should see the error messages in the console.

What about the e2e tests?

You could also add tests - but it'll slow down your commits. It's better to run tests in Github Actions.