Managing entitlements based on subscriptions in your Next.js Supabase app
Learn how to effectively manage access and entitlements based on subscriptions in your Next.js Supabase app.
As your SaaS grows, the complexity of managing user entitlements increases. In this guide, we’ll build a flexible, performant, and secure entitlements system using Makerkit, Supabase, and PostgreSQL.
This solution leverages the power of PostgreSQL functions and Supabase RPCs, enforcing business logic at the database level while integrating seamlessly with your Next.js app.
NB: this is a generic solution, but you can use it as a starting point to build your own custom entitlements system. In fact - I recommend you to do so, as your needs will evolve and this solution might not cover all your requirements.
Why a Custom Entitlements System?
Makerkit is built to be flexible and extensible. Instead of offering a one-size-fits-all entitlements system, Makerkit provides a foundation you can customize.
This article will walk you through the complete process:
- Flexibility & Extensibility: Easily handle different entitlement types (flat or usage quotas).
- Performance: Offload entitlement checks to the database.
- Consistency & Security: Ensure rules are enforced both in your app code and via Row Level Security (RLS).
Step 1: Define Your Database Schema
We start by creating two tables: one to declare the entitlements for each plan variant and another to track feature usage per account. Both tables are set up with strict security rules using RLS policies.
Creating the plan_entitlements
This table stores entitlement definitions. Each row defines which features are enabled for a specific plan variant. Note the use of a unique constraint to avoid duplicate entries and strict permission controls to ensure data security.
-- Table to store plan entitlements with strict security and RLS policiesCREATE TABLE public.plan_entitlements ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), variant_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, feature VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, entitlement JSONB NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(), updated_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(), UNIQUE (variant_id, feature));-- Revoke all and then selectively grant minimal permissionsREVOKE ALL ON public.plan_entitlements FROM public;ALTER TABLE public.plan_entitlements ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;GRANT SELECT ON public.plan_entitlements TO authenticated;-- Policy ensuring authenticated users can select from the tableCREATE POLICY select_plan_entitlements ON public.plan_entitlements FOR SELECT TO authenticated USING (true);
Creating the feature_usage
This table tracks the usage of features for each account. We use JSONB to support flexible usage metrics and add an index for efficient lookups.
-- Table to track feature usage per account with RLS enforcementCREATE TABLE public.feature_usage ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), account_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES public.accounts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, feature VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, usage JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(), updated_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(), UNIQUE (account_id, feature));REVOKE ALL ON public.feature_usage FROM public;GRANT SELECT ON public.feature_usage TO authenticated;ALTER TABLE public.feature_usage ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;-- Policy providing access to accounts based on ownership or team rolesCREATE POLICY select_feature_usage ON public.feature_usage FOR SELECT TO authenticated USING ( public.has_role_on_account(account_id) OR (SELECT auth.uid()) = account_id );-- Add an index to optimize lookup by account and featureCREATE INDEX idx_feature_usage_account_id ON public.feature_usage(account_id, feature);
Automatically Creating a Usage Row for New Accounts
Use a trigger to ensure that as soon as an account is created, a corresponding row in feature_usage
is created:
-- Function to auto-create a feature_usage row upon account creationCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_feature_usage_row()RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$BEGIN INSERT INTO public.feature_usage (account_id, feature) VALUES (, ''); RETURN NEW;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER;-- Create the trigger to execute the above function after account creationCREATE TRIGGER create_feature_usage_rowAFTER INSERT ON public.accountsFOR EACH ROWEXECUTE FUNCTION public.create_feature_usage_row();
Step 2: Develop PostgreSQL Functions for Entitlements
Encapsulate the core entitlement logic inside PostgreSQL functions. Each function is designed to be secure (using SECURITY INVOKER
where needed) and atomic.
Check if an Account Can Use a Feature
This function determines if an account meets the criteria to use a given feature based on its subscription and plan entitlements.
-- Function to check if the account is eligible to use a featureCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.can_use_feature( p_account_id UUID, p_feature VARCHAR)RETURNS BOOLEAN SECURITY INVOKER AS $$DECLARE eligible_variant VARCHAR(255);BEGIN SELECT si.variant_id INTO eligible_variant FROM public.subscription_items si JOIN public.subscriptions s ON = si.subscription_id WHERE s.account_id = p_account_id AND si.type = 'flat' AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM public.plan_entitlements ent WHERE ent.feature = p_feature AND ent.variant_id = si.variant_id ) LIMIT 1; RETURN eligible_variant IS NOT NULL;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Retrieve Entitlement Details
The following function returns the details of an entitlement along with any usage data for the account.
-- Function to get entitlement details for a featureCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_entitlement( p_account_id UUID, p_feature VARCHAR)RETURNS TABLE(variant_id VARCHAR(255), entitlement JSONB) SECURITY INVOKER AS $$BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT si.variant_id, ent.entitlement AS entitlement FROM public.subscriptions s JOIN public.subscription_items si ON = si.subscription_id JOIN public.plan_entitlements ent ON ent.variant_id = si.variant_id WHERE s.account_id = p_account_id AND ent.feature = p_feature;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Update Feature Usage
These functions update the feature_usage
table. The first function handles merging JSON usage data, and the second one atomically updates quota usage using an UPSERT pattern.
-- Function to update feature usage with custom JSON mergeCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_feature_usage( p_account_id UUID, p_feature VARCHAR, p_usage JSONB)RETURNS VOID AS $$BEGIN PERFORM 1 FROM public.accounts WHERE id = p_account_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot update feature usage for non-existent account'; END IF; INSERT INTO public.feature_usage (account_id, feature, usage) VALUES (p_account_id, p_feature, p_usage) ON CONFLICT (account_id, feature) DO UPDATE SET usage = public.feature_usage.usage || p_usage, updated_at = NOW();END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;-- Function to update feature quota usage atomically using UPSERTCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_feature_quota_usage( p_account_id UUID, p_feature VARCHAR, p_count INTEGER)RETURNS VOID SECURITY INVOKER AS $$BEGIN INSERT INTO public.feature_usage (account_id, feature, usage, updated_at) VALUES ( p_account_id, p_feature, jsonb_build_object('count', p_count), NOW() ) ON CONFLICT (account_id, feature) DO UPDATE SET usage = jsonb_set( COALESCE(public.feature_usage.usage, '{}'::jsonb), '{count}', to_jsonb( COALESCE((public.feature_usage.usage->>'count')::INTEGER, 0) + p_count ) ), updated_at = NOW();END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Grant execute permissions securely:
-- Granting execute permissions to appropriate rolesGRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.can_use_feature(UUID, VARCHAR) TO authenticated;GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.get_entitlement(UUID, VARCHAR) TO authenticated;GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.update_feature_usage(UUID, VARCHAR, JSONB) TO service_role;GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.update_feature_quota_usage(UUID, VARCHAR, INTEGER) TO service_role;
Step 3: Create the Entitlements Service in TypeScript
Encapsulate your entitlements logic in a TypeScript service. This service communicates with the Supabase backend via RPC and provides a clean API for your application.
import type { SupabaseClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';import type { Database } from '~/lib/database.types';export function createEntitlementsService( client: SupabaseClient<Database>, accountId: string) { return new EntitlementsService(client, accountId);}class EntitlementsService { constructor( private readonly client: SupabaseClient<Database>, private readonly accountId: string ) {} async canUseFeature(feature: string) { const { data, error } = await this.client.rpc('can_use_feature', { p_account_id: this.accountId, p_feature: feature, }); if (error) throw error; return data; } async getEntitlement(feature: string) { const { data, error } = await this.client.rpc('get_entitlement', { p_account_id: this.accountId, p_feature: feature, }); if (error) throw error; return data; } async updateFeatureUsage(feature: string, usage: Record<string, unknown>) { const { error } = await this.client.rpc('update_feature_usage', { p_account_id: this.accountId, p_feature: feature, p_usage: usage, }); if (error) throw error; }}
How to Use the Service
In your API route or server component, you can use the service to check for entitlements and update usage data. For example:
// Example API route or server action for handling an API requestimport { getSupabaseServerClient } from '@kit/supabase/server-client';import { createEntitlementsService } from '~/lib/server/entitlements.service';export async function handleApiRequest(accountId: string, endpoint: string) { const client = getSupabaseServerClient(); const entitlementsService = createEntitlementsService(client, accountId); const canUseAPI = await entitlementsService.canUseFeature('api_access'); if (!canUseAPI) { throw new Error('No access to API'); } const entitlement = await entitlementsService.getEntitlement('api_calls'); // Adjust processing based on entitlement type (flat, quota, etc.) if (entitlement && entitlement.entitlement.type === 'flat') { return processApiRequest(endpoint); } else if (entitlement && entitlement.entitlement.type === 'quota') { const currentUsage = Number(entitlement.usage?.count ?? 0); const limit = entitlement.entitlement.limit; if (currentUsage < limit) { // Atomically update usage count await entitlementsService.updateFeatureUsage('api_calls', { count: currentUsage + 1 }); return processApiRequest(endpoint); } else { throw new Error('API call quota exceeded'); } } throw new Error('Invalid entitlement state');}
Step 4: Enforcing Entitlements in Row Level Security
One of the major benefits of this approach is that you can enforce entitlements at the database level using RLS policies. For example, to restrict access to a table based on entitlement checks:
-- Example RLS policy using the can_use_feature functionCREATE POLICY "users_can_access_feature" ON public.some_table FOR SELECT TO authenticated USING ( public.can_use_feature(auth.uid(), 'some_feature') );
This ensures that only users with the correct entitlements can access sensitive data.
Step 5: Integrating with Billing Webhooks
When a billing event occurs (such as an invoice being paid), use a webhook to update entitlements accordingly. Below is an example using a Next.js API route with structured logging for observability:
'use server';import { enhanceRouteHandler } from '@kit/next/routes';import { getSupabaseServerAdminClient } from '@kit/supabase/server-admin-client';import { createEntitlementsService } from '~/lib/server/entitlements.service';import { getLogger } from '@kit/shared/logger';import { billingConfig } from '~/config/billing';export const POST = enhanceRouteHandler( async ({ request }) => { const provider = billingConfig.provider; const logger = await getLogger(); const ctx = { name: 'billing.webhook', provider };, 'Received billing webhook. Processing...'); try { // Handle billing event using your billing event handler service... await handleInvoicePaidEvent(request, ctx);, 'Successfully processed billing webhook'); return new Response('OK', { status: 200 }); } catch (error) { logger.error({ ...ctx, error }, 'Failed to process billing webhook'); return new Response('Failed to process billing webhook', { status: 500 }); } }, { auth: false });async function handleInvoicePaidEvent(request: Request, ctx: Record<string, unknown>) { // Assume the request contains the account_id for which the invoice was paid const accountId = 'extracted-account-id'; // Extract account id securely from the request payload const entitlementsService = createEntitlementsService(getSupabaseServerAdminClient(), accountId); const entitlement = await entitlementsService.getEntitlement('api_calls'); if (!entitlement) { ctx['error'] = `No entitlement found for "api_calls"`; throw new Error(ctx['error']); } const count = entitlement?.entitlement?.limit ?? 0; if (!count) { ctx['error'] = 'No limit found for "api_calls" entitlement'; throw new Error(ctx['error']); } await entitlementsService.updateFeatureUsage('api_calls', { count }); return;}
PgTap tests
Please add the following tests to your project and modify them as needed:
begin;create extension "basejump-supabase_test_helpers" version '0.0.6';select no_plan();select tests.create_supabase_user('foreigner', '');-- Create test usersselect makerkit.set_identifier('primary_owner', '');select makerkit.set_identifier('member', '');select makerkit.set_identifier('foreigner', '');-- Setup test dataset local role postgres;-- Insert test plan entitlementsinsert into public.plan_entitlements (variant_id, feature, entitlement)values ('basic_plan', 'api_calls', '{"limit": 1000, "period": "month"}'::jsonb), ('pro_plan', 'api_calls', '{"limit": 10000, "period": "month"}'::jsonb), ('basic_plan', 'storage', '{"limit": 5, "unit": "GB"}'::jsonb), ('pro_plan', 'storage', '{"limit": 50, "unit": "GB"}'::jsonb);-- Create test billing customers and subscriptionsINSERT INTO public.billing_customers(account_id, provider, customer_id)VALUES (makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'stripe', 'cus_test');-- Create a subscription with basic planSELECT public.upsert_subscription( makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'cus_test', 'sub_test_basic', true, 'active', 'stripe', false, 'usd', now(), now() + interval '1 month', '[{ "id": "sub_basic", "product_id": "prod_basic", "variant_id": "basic_plan", "type": "flat", "price_amount": 1000, "quantity": 1, "interval": "month", "interval_count": 1 }]');-- Test as primary ownerselect tests.authenticate_as('primary_owner');-- Test reading plan entitlementsselect isnt_empty( $$ select * from plan_entitlements where variant_id = 'basic_plan' $$, 'Primary owner can read plan entitlements');-- Test can_use_feature functionselect is( (select public.can_use_feature(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'api_calls')), true, 'Account with basic plan can use api_calls feature');-- Test get_entitlement functionselect row_eq( $$ select entitlement->>'limit' from public.get_entitlement(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'api_calls') $$, row('1000'::text), 'Get entitlement returns correct limit for api_calls');set local role service_role;-- Test feature usage trackingselect lives_ok( $$ select public.update_feature_quota_usage(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'api_calls', 100) $$, 'Can update feature quota usage');-- Test as primary ownerselect tests.authenticate_as('primary_owner');-- Verify feature usage was recordedselect row_eq( $$ select usage->>'count' from feature_usage where account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') and feature = 'api_calls' $$, row('100'::text), 'Feature usage is recorded correctly');-- Test as memberselect tests.authenticate_as('member');-- Members can read plan entitlementsselect isnt_empty( $$ select * from plan_entitlements $$, 'Members can read plan entitlements');-- Members can read feature usage for their accountselect isnt_empty( $$ select * from feature_usage where account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') $$, 'Members can read feature usage for their account');-- Test as foreignerselect tests.authenticate_as('foreigner');-- Foreigners can read plan entitlements (public info)select isnt_empty( $$ select * from plan_entitlements $$, 'Foreigners can read plan entitlements');-- Foreigners cannot read feature usage for other accountsselect is_empty( $$ select * from feature_usage where account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') $$, 'Foreigners cannot read feature usage for other accounts');-- Test updating to pro planset local role postgres;SELECT public.upsert_subscription( makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'cus_test', 'sub_test_basic', true, 'active', 'stripe', false, 'usd', now(), now() + interval '1 month', '[{ "id": "sub_pro", "product_id": "prod_pro", "variant_id": "pro_plan", "type": "flat", "price_amount": 2000, "quantity": 1, "interval": "month", "interval_count": 1 }]');select tests.authenticate_as('primary_owner');-- Verify pro plan entitlementsselect row_eq( $$ select entitlement->>'limit' from public.get_entitlement(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'api_calls') $$, row('10000'::text), 'Get entitlement returns updated limit for api_calls after plan upgrade');-- Test edge cases-- Test non-existent featureselect is( (select public.can_use_feature(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'non_existent_feature')), false, 'Cannot use non-existent feature');-- Test non-existent accountselect is( (select public.can_use_feature('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012'::uuid, 'api_calls')), false, 'Cannot use feature for non-existent account');-- Test updating feature usage with invalid dataset local role postgres;select throws_ok( $$ select public.update_feature_usage('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012'::uuid, 'api_calls', '{"invalid": true}'::jsonb) $$, 'Cannot update feature usage for non-existent account');-- Additional tests for subscription entitlements---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional tests for update_feature_quota_usage (storage feature)--------------------------------------------------------------------set local role postgres;-- Create or update a subscription for storage feature if not already set-- We'll use the basic plan for storageSELECT public.upsert_subscription( makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'cus_test', 'sub_test_storage', true, 'active', 'stripe', false, 'usd', now(), now() + interval '1 month', '[{ "id": "sub_storage", "product_id": "prod_storage", "variant_id": "basic_plan", "type": "flat", "price_amount": 500, "quantity": 1, "interval": "month", "interval_count": 1 }]');-- Reset storage usage by updating its quotaselect lives_ok( $$ select public.update_feature_quota_usage(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'storage', 5) $$, 'Initial storage quota update sets usage to 5');select row_eq( $$ select usage->>'count' from feature_usage where account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') and feature = 'storage' $$, row('5'::text), 'Storage usage should be 5 after initial update');-- Update storage usage by adding 3 more unitsselect lives_ok( $$ select public.update_feature_quota_usage(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'storage', 3) $$, 'Additional storage quota update adds 3 units');select row_eq( $$ select usage->>'count' from feature_usage where account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') and feature = 'storage' $$, row('8'::text), 'Accumulated storage usage should be 8');set local role service_role;-- Update api_calls usage by adding an extra fieldselect lives_ok( $$ select public.update_feature_usage(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'api_calls', '{"extra": 100}'::jsonb) $$, 'Feature usage update concatenates new JSON data for api_calls');-- Verify that the api_calls usage JSON now contains the extra field by checking the "extra" key value directlyselect is( (select usage::json->>'extra' from feature_usage where account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') and feature = 'api_calls'), '100', 'Feature usage for api_calls contains extra field after update');---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional test for non-existent subscription item entitlement--------------------------------------------------------------------select is_empty( $$ select * from public.get_entitlement(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'nonexistent_feature') $$, 'Get entitlement returns empty for a non-existent feature');---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional test for atomicity of updating feature usage--------------------------------------------------------------------set local role postgres;CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_atomicity_feature_usage() RETURNS text AS $$DECLARE baseline text; current_usage text;BEGIN -- Capture the baseline storage usage for the 'storage' feature SELECT usage->>'count' INTO baseline FROM feature_usage WHERE account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') AND feature = 'storage'; BEGIN -- Perform a valid update: add 10 units to storage usage PERFORM public.update_feature_quota_usage(makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit'), 'storage', 10); -- Force an error by updating usage for a non-existent account PERFORM public.update_feature_usage('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid, 'storage', '{"bad":1}'::jsonb); -- If no error is raised, return an error message (this should not happen) RETURN 'error not raised'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Exception caught; the subtransaction should be rolled back NULL; END; -- Capture the current usage after the forced error SELECT usage->>'count' INTO current_usage FROM feature_usage WHERE account_id = makerkit.get_account_id_by_slug('makerkit') AND feature = 'storage'; IF current_usage = baseline THEN RETURN 'ok'; ELSE RETURN 'failed'; END IF;END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;select is((select test_atomicity_feature_usage()), 'ok', 'Atomicity of updating feature usage is preserved');-- End of additional atomicity testsselect * from finish();rollback;
Benefits of This Approach
- Flexibility:
Handle different entitlement types—from simple feature flags to complex usage quotas—without locking into a rigid model. - Performance:
Offload entitlement checks to PostgreSQL. This minimizes round-trips between your app and the database. - Consistency & Security:
The same functions are used in both your application code and in RLS policies, ensuring a uniform level of security. - Maintainability:
Encapsulating logic in PostgreSQL functions and a dedicated TypeScript service simplifies updates and helps prevent bugs.
By moving entitlement logic into PostgreSQL functions and encapsulating access in a dedicated TypeScript service, you create a robust and secure system that scales with your application. This approach not only meets the complex needs of SaaS applications but also adheres to best practices for performance, security, and maintainability.
Feel free to evolve these patterns further to suit your specific billing scenarios and business logic needs. Happy coding!