Using Drizzle as a client for interacting with Supabase

Learn how to add Drizzle to your Next.js Supabase Turbo project and use it to interact with Supabase

By default, the kit interacts with Supabase using the plain Supabase client.

This guide will walk you through adding Drizzle ORM support to your Makerkit project. Drizzle is a TypeScript ORM that provides type-safe database queries with great developer experience.

This guide is an adaptation of the Drizzle guide for Next.js applications. The original guide can be found here.

Please refer to the Drizzle documentation for more advanced usage and configuration options.


  • A working Makerkit project
  • Basic understanding of TypeScript and SQL
  • Supabase project set up

Step 1: Install Dependencies

First, let's add the required dependencies to the @kit/supabase package:

pnpm --filter "@kit/supabase" add jwt-decode postgres
pnpm --filter "@kit/supabase"add -D drizzle-orm drizzle-kit

We added the required dependencies to the @kit/supabase package.

Step 2: Create Drizzle Configuration

Create a new file packages/supabase/drizzle.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit';
export default defineConfig({
schema: './src/schema.ts',
out: './src/drizzle',
dialect: 'postgresql',
dbCredentials: {
// This will use local development DB by default
url: process.env.DATABASE_URL ?? 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@'
schemaFilter: ['public'],
verbose: true,
strict: true,

We will use the Drizzle Kit CLI to generate a schema out of the Supabase database. This will in turn create the schema.ts file in the out directory.

The schema.ts file will contain the TypeScript types matching your database schema that Drizzle uses to infer the TS types for your database queries.

Step 3: Add Scripts to package.json

Update packages/supabase/package.json:

"scripts": {
// ... existing scripts
"drizzle": "drizzle-kit",
"pull": "drizzle-kit pull --config drizzle.config.js"
"exports": {
// Add these new exports
"./drizzle-client": "./src/clients/drizzle-client.ts",
"./drizzle-schema": "./src/drizzle/schema.ts"

These commands will help us pull the schema from the Supabase database and generate the schema.ts file.

Step 4: Create Drizzle Client

Create a new file packages/supabase/src/clients/drizzle-client.ts:

import 'server-only';
import { DrizzleConfig, sql } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';
import { JwtPayload, jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode';
import postgres from 'postgres';
import { z } from 'zod';
import * as schema from '../drizzle/schema';
// Config validation
description: `The URL of the Supabase database. Please provide the variable SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL.`,
required_error: 'The environment variable SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL is required',
const config = {
casing: 'snake_case',
} satisfies DrizzleConfig<typeof schema>;
// Admin client bypasses RLS
const adminClient = drizzle({
client: postgres(SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL, { prepare: false }),
// RLS protected client
const rlsClient = drizzle({
client: postgres(SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL, { prepare: false }),
export function getDrizzleSupabaseAdminClient() {
return adminClient;
export async function getDrizzleSupabaseClient() {
const client = getSupabaseServerClient();
const { data } = await client.auth.getSession();
const accessToken = data.session?.access_token ?? '';
const token = decode(accessToken);
const runTransaction = ((transaction, config) => {
return rlsClient.transaction(async (tx) => {
try {
// Set up Supabase auth context
await tx.execute(sql`
select set_config('', '${sql.raw(
)}', TRUE);
select set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', '${sql.raw(
token.sub ?? '',
)}', TRUE);
set local role ${sql.raw(token.role ?? 'anon')};
return await transaction(tx);
} finally {
// Clean up
await tx.execute(sql`
select set_config('', NULL, TRUE);
select set_config('request.jwt.claim.sub', NULL, TRUE);
reset role;
}, config);
}) as typeof rlsClient.transaction;
return {
function decode(accessToken: string) {
try {
return jwtDecode<JwtPayload & { role: string }>(accessToken);
} catch {
return { role: 'anon' } as JwtPayload & { role: string };

Step 5: Generate the Schema

Now we'll generate the Drizzle schema from your existing Supabase database:

pnpm --filter "@kit/supabase" drizzle pull

This will create a schema.ts file in your out directory with the TypeScript types matching your database schema.

You should see the following output:

Pulling from ['public'] list of schemas
Using 'postgres' driver for database querying
[✓] 14 tables fetched
[✓] 104 columns fetched
[✓] 9 enums fetched
[✓] 18 indexes fetched
[✓] 23 foreign keys fetched
[✓] 28 policies fetched
[✓] 3 check constraints fetched
[✓] 2 views fetched
[✓] Your SQL migration file ➜ src/drizzle/0000_easy_black_panther.sql 🚀
[✓] Your schema file is ready ➜ src/drizzle/schema.ts 🚀
[✓] Your relations file is ready ➜ src/drizzle/relations.ts 🚀

Adding the auth schema to the schema

After generating the schema, please add the following code at the top of your schema.ts file:

  1. Import the pgSchema function from Drizzle
  2. Add the auth schema to the schema, which we need to reference the auth.users table in Supabase. This is required because we only pull the public schema by default, however some tables reference the auth schema.
const authSchema = pgSchema('auth');
const usersInAuth = authSchema.table('users', {
id: uuid('id').primaryKey(),

Disable linting on schema.ts

Since this is a generated file, we want to disable linting on it. To do so, add this line to the top of the file:

/* eslint-disable */

Step 6: Using the Drizzle Client

Here's an example of how to use the Drizzle client in a Next.js page:

import { use } from 'react';
import { getDrizzleSupabaseClient } from '@kit/supabase/drizzle-client';
import { accounts } from '@kit/supabase/drizzle-schema';
function MyComponent() {
const client = use(getDrizzleSupabaseClient());
// Example query using transactions
const data = use(client.runTransaction((tx) => {
// Rest of your component code

Alternatively, in a Server Action:

'use server';
import { getDrizzleSupabaseClient } from '@kit/supabase/drizzle-client';
import { accounts } from '@kit/supabase/drizzle-schema';
export const getAccountsAction = enhanceAction(async (data) => {
const client = await getDrizzleSupabaseClient();
// Fetch accounts
const data = await client.runTransaction((tx) => {
// Return the data
return data;
auth: true

Using the Admin Client

If you need elevated permissions, you can use the getDrizzleSupabaseAdminClient() function:

import { use } from 'react';
import { getDrizzleSupabaseAdminClient } from '@kit/supabase/drizzle-client';
import { accounts } from '@kit/supabase/drizzle-schema';
function MyComponent() {
const client = getDrizzleSupabaseAdminClient();
// Example query using transactions
const data = await;
// Rest of your component code

Important Notes

  1. RLS Support: The Drizzle client respects Supabase Row Level Security (RLS) by passing the user's JWT token and role in transactions.
  2. Client Types: There are two client types:
    • getDrizzleSupabaseAdminClient() - bypasses RLS (use with caution)
    • getDrizzleSupabaseClient() - respects RLS (use for regular user operations)
  3. Environment Variables: Make sure to set SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL in your environment variables:

You can only use the Drizzle client in a Server environment - therefore in Server Components, Server Actions and API Routes. It will fail if you bundle it within a client-side component.

Keep the SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL variable confidential

The variable SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL is required for the Drizzle client to work correctly. You will find this in the Supabase dashboard under the project settings.

When in production, please only add the SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL variable using your hosting provider's environment variables.

Next Steps

While the core kit will keep using the plain Supabase client, from here on you can use the Drizzle client in your application.

If you want to use the Drizzle utilities for migrations, you may need to place the src/drizzle folder in the root of your project and replace the path in the drizzle.config.js file pointing to the apps/web

However, please remember to keep up to date the drizzle-schema export in the @kit/supabase package, since you want to be able to use the Drizzle schema throughout the packages.

Benefits of Using Drizzle

  • Type-safe database queries
  • Better developer experience with autocomplete
  • SQL-like query builder
  • Transaction support
  • Automatic schema generation from your existing database

Please refer to the Drizzle documentation for more advanced usage and configuration options.