Onboarding Checkout

Learn how to create an onboarding and checkout flow in the Next.js Supabase Starter Kit.

One popular request from customers is to have a way to onboard new users and guide them through the app, and have customers checkout before they can use the app.

In this guide, we'll show you how to create an onboarding and checkout flow in the Next.js Supabase Starter Kit.

In this guide, we will cover:

  1. Creating an onboarding flow when a user signs up.
  2. Creating a multi-step form to have customers create a new Team Account
  3. Creating a checkout flow to have customers pay before they can use the app.
  4. Use Webhooks to update the user's record after they have paid.

Remember: you can customize the onboarding and checkout flow to fit your app's needs. This is a starting point, and you can build on top of it.

NB: please make sure you have pullest the latest changes from the main branch before you start this guide.

Step 0: Adding an Onboarding Table

Before we create the onboarding flow, let's add a new table to store the onboarding data.

Create a new migration using the following command:

pnpm --filter web supabase migration new onboarding

This will create a new migration file at apps/web/supabase/migrations/<timestamp>_onboarding.sql. Open this file and add the following SQL code:

create table if not exists public.onboarding ( id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(), account_id uuid references public.accounts(id) not null unique, data jsonb default '{}', completed boolean default false, created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp, updated_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp ); revoke all on public.onboarding from public, service_role; grant select, update, insert on public.onboarding to authenticated; grant select, delete on public.onboarding to service_role; alter table onboarding enable row level security; create policy read_onboarding on public.onboarding for select to authenticated using (account_id = (select auth.uid())); create policy insert_onboarding on public.onboarding for insert to authenticated with check (account_id = (select auth.uid())); create policy update_onboarding on public.onboarding for update to authenticated using (account_id = (select auth.uid())) with check (account_id = (select auth.uid()));

This migration creates a new onboarding table with the following columns:

  • id: A unique identifier for the onboarding record.
  • account_id: A foreign key reference to the accounts table.
  • data: A JSONB column to store the onboarding data.
  • completed: A boolean flag to indicate if the onboarding is completed.
  • created_at and updated_at: Timestamps for when the record was created and updated.

The migration also sets up row-level security policies to ensure that users can only access their own onboarding records.

Update your DB schema by running the following command:

pnpm run supabase:web:reset

And update your DB types by running the following command:

pnpm run supabase:web:typegen

Now that we have the onboarding table set up, let's create the onboarding flow.

Step 1: Create the Onboarding Page

First, let's create the main onboarding page. This will be the entry point for our onboarding flow.

Create a new file at apps/web/app/onboarding/page.tsx:

import { AppLogo } from '~/components/app-logo'; import { OnboardingForm } from './_components/onboarding-form'; function OnboardingPage() { return ( <div className="flex h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center space-y-16"> <AppLogo /> <div> <OnboardingForm /> </div> </div> ); } export default OnboardingPage;

This page is simple. It displays your app logo and the OnboardingForm component, which we'll create next.

Step 2: Create the Onboarding Form Schema

Before we create the form, let's define its schema. This will help us validate the form data.

Create a new file at apps/web/app/onboarding/_lib/onboarding-form.schema.ts:

import { z } from 'zod'; export const OnboardingFormSchema = z.object({ profile: z.object({ name: z.string().min(1).max(255), }), team: z.object({ name: z.string().min(1).max(255), }), checkout: z.object({ planId: z.string().min(1), productId: z.string().min(1), }), });

This schema defines the structure of our onboarding form. It has three main sections: profile, team, and checkout.

Step 3: Create the Onboarding Form Component

Now, let's create the main OnboardingForm component. This is where the magic happens!

Create a new file at apps/web/app/onboarding/_components/onboarding-form.tsx:

'use client'; import { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'; import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod'; import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { PlanPicker } from '@kit/billing-gateway/components'; import { Button } from '@kit/ui/button'; import { Form, FormControl, FormDescription, FormField, FormItem, FormLabel, } from '@kit/ui/form'; import { If } from '@kit/ui/if'; import { Input } from '@kit/ui/input'; import { MultiStepForm, MultiStepFormContextProvider, MultiStepFormHeader, MultiStepFormStep, useMultiStepFormContext, } from '@kit/ui/multi-step-form'; import { Stepper } from '@kit/ui/stepper'; import billingConfig from '~/config/billing.config'; import { OnboardingFormSchema } from '~/onboarding/_lib/onboarding-form.schema'; import { submitOnboardingFormAction } from '~/onboarding/_lib/server/server-actions'; const EmbeddedCheckout = dynamic( async () => { const { EmbeddedCheckout } = await import('@kit/billing-gateway/checkout'); return { default: EmbeddedCheckout, }; }, { ssr: false, }, ); export function OnboardingForm() { const [checkoutToken, setCheckoutToken] = useState<string | undefined>( undefined, ); const form = useForm({ resolver: zodResolver(OnboardingFormSchema), defaultValues: { profile: { name: '', }, team: { name: '', }, checkout: { planId: '', productId: '', }, }, mode: 'onBlur', }); const onSubmit = useCallback( async (data: z.infer<typeof OnboardingFormSchema>) => { try { const { checkoutToken } = await submitOnboardingFormAction(data); setCheckoutToken(checkoutToken); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to submit form:', error); } }, [], ); const checkoutPortalRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); if (checkoutToken) { return ( <EmbeddedCheckout checkoutToken={checkoutToken} provider={billingConfig.provider} onClose={() => setCheckoutToken(undefined)} /> ); } return ( <div className={ 'w-full rounded-lg p-8 shadow-sm duration-500 animate-in fade-in-90 zoom-in-95 slide-in-from-bottom-12 lg:border' } > <MultiStepForm className={'space-y-8 p-1'} schema={OnboardingFormSchema} form={form} onSubmit={onSubmit} > <MultiStepFormHeader> <MultiStepFormContextProvider> {({ currentStepIndex }) => ( <Stepper variant={'numbers'} steps={['Profile', 'Team', 'Complete']} currentStep={currentStepIndex} /> )} </MultiStepFormContextProvider> </MultiStepFormHeader> <MultiStepFormStep name={'profile'}> <ProfileStep /> </MultiStepFormStep> <MultiStepFormStep name={'team'}> <TeamStep /> </MultiStepFormStep> <MultiStepFormStep name={'checkout'}> <If condition={checkoutPortalRef.current}> {(portalRef) => createPortal(<CheckoutStep />, portalRef)} </If> </MultiStepFormStep> </MultiStepForm> <div className={'p-1'} ref={checkoutPortalRef}></div> </div> ); } function ProfileStep() { const { nextStep, form } = useMultiStepFormContext(); return ( <Form {...form}> <div className={'flex flex-col space-y-6'}> <div className={'flex flex-col space-y-2'}> <h1 className={'text-xl font-semibold'}>Welcome to Makerkit</h1> <p className={'text-sm text-muted-foreground'}> Welcome to the onboarding process! Let&apos;s get started by entering your name. </p> </div> <FormField render={({ field }) => { return ( <FormItem> <FormLabel>Your Name</FormLabel> <FormControl> <Input {...field} placeholder={'Name'} /> </FormControl> <FormDescription>Enter your full name here</FormDescription> </FormItem> ); }} name={'profile.name'} /> <div className={'flex justify-end'}> <Button onClick={nextStep}>Continue</Button> </div> </div> </Form> ); } function TeamStep() { const { nextStep, prevStep, form } = useMultiStepFormContext(); return ( <Form {...form}> <div className={'flex w-full flex-col space-y-6'}> <div className={'flex flex-col space-y-2'}> <h1 className={'text-xl font-semibold'}>Create Your Team</h1> <p className={'text-sm text-muted-foreground'}> Let&apos;s create your team. Enter your team name below. </p> </div> <FormField render={({ field }) => { return ( <FormItem> <FormLabel>Your Team Name</FormLabel> <FormControl> <Input {...field} placeholder={'Name'} /> </FormControl> <FormDescription> This is the name of your team. </FormDescription> </FormItem> ); }} name={'team.name'} /> <div className={'flex justify-end space-x-2'}> <Button variant={'ghost'} onClick={prevStep}> Go Back </Button> <Button onClick={nextStep}>Continue</Button> </div> </div> </Form> ); } function CheckoutStep() { const { form, mutation } = useMultiStepFormContext(); return ( <Form {...form}> <div className={'flex w-full flex-col space-y-6 lg:min-w-[55rem]'}> <div className={'flex flex-col space-y-2'}> <PlanPicker pending={mutation.isPending} config={billingConfig} onSubmit={({ planId, productId }) => { form.setValue('checkout.planId', planId); form.setValue('checkout.productId', productId); mutation.mutate(); }} /> </div> </div> </Form> ); }

This component creates a multi-step form for the onboarding process. It includes steps for profile information, team creation, and plan selection.

Step 4: Create the Server Action

Now, let's create the server action that will handle the form submission.

Create a new file at apps/web/app/onboarding/_lib/server/server-actions.ts:

'use server'; import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'; import { createBillingGatewayService } from '@kit/billing-gateway'; import { enhanceAction } from '@kit/next/actions'; import { getLogger } from '@kit/shared/logger'; import { getSupabaseServerClient } from '@kit/supabase/server-client'; import appConfig from '~/config/app.config'; import billingConfig from '~/config/billing.config'; import pathsConfig from '~/config/paths.config'; import { OnboardingFormSchema } from '~/onboarding/_lib/onboarding-form.schema'; export const submitOnboardingFormAction = enhanceAction( async (data, user) => { const logger = await getLogger(); logger.info({ userId: user.id }, `Submitting onboarding form...`); const isOnboarded = user.app_metadata.onboarded === true; if (isOnboarded) { logger.info( { userId: user.id }, `User is already onboarded. Redirecting...`, ); redirect(pathsConfig.app.home); } const client = getSupabaseServerClient(); const createTeamResponse = await client .from('accounts') .insert({ name: data.team.name, primary_owner_user_id: user.id, is_personal_account: false, }) .select('id') .single(); if (createTeamResponse.error) { logger.error( { error: createTeamResponse.error, }, `Failed to create team`, ); throw createTeamResponse.error; } else { logger.info( { userId: user.id, teamId: createTeamResponse.data.id }, `Team created. Creating onboarding data...`, ); } const response = await client.from('onboarding').upsert( { account_id: user.id, data: { userName: data.profile.name, teamAccountId: createTeamResponse.data.id, }, completed: true, }, { onConflict: 'account_id', }, ); if (response.error) { throw response.error; } logger.info( { userId: user.id, teamId: createTeamResponse.data.id }, `Onboarding data created. Creating checkout session...`, ); const billingService = createBillingGatewayService(billingConfig.provider); const { plan } = getPlanDetails( data.checkout.productId, data.checkout.planId, ); const returnUrl = new URL('/onboarding/complete', appConfig.url).href; const checkoutSession = await billingService.createCheckoutSession({ returnUrl, customerEmail: user.email, accountId: createTeamResponse.data.id, plan, variantQuantities: [], metadata: { source: 'onboarding', userId: user.id, }, }); return { checkoutToken: checkoutSession.checkoutToken, }; }, { auth: true, schema: OnboardingFormSchema, }, ); function getPlanDetails(productId: string, planId: string) { const product = billingConfig.products.find( (product) => product.id === productId, ); if (!product) { throw new Error('Product not found'); } const plan = product?.plans.find((plan) => plan.id === planId); if (!plan) { throw new Error('Plan not found'); } return { plan, product }; }

This server action handles the form submission, inserts the onboarding data into Supabase, create a team (so we can assign it a subscription), and creates a checkout session for the selected plan.

Once the checkout is completed, the user will be redirected to the /onboarding/complete page. This page will be created in the next step.

Step 6: Enhancing the Stripe Webhook Handler

This change extends the functionality of the Stripe webhook handler to complete the onboarding process after a successful checkout. Here's what's happening:

In the handleCheckoutSessionCompleted method, we add new logic to handle onboarding-specific actions.

First, define the completeOnboarding function to process the onboarding data and create a team based on the user's input.

NB: this is valid for Stripe, but you can adapt it to any other payment provider.

async function completeOnboarding(accountId: string) { const logger = await getLogger(); const adminClient = getSupabaseServerAdminClient(); logger.info( { accountId }, `Checkout comes from onboarding. Processing onboarding data...`, ); const onboarding = await adminClient .from('onboarding') .select('*') .eq('account_id', accountId) .single(); if (onboarding.error) { logger.error( { error: onboarding.error, accountId }, `Failed to retrieve onboarding data`, ); // if there's an error, we can't continue return; } else { logger.info({ accountId }, `Onboarding data retrieved. Processing...`); const data = onboarding.data.data as { userName: string; teamAccountId: string; }; const teamAccountId = data.teamAccountId; logger.info( { userId: accountId, teamAccountId }, `Assigning membership...`, ); const assignMembershipResponse = await adminClient .from('accounts_memberships') .insert({ account_id: teamAccountId, user_id: accountId, account_role: 'owner', }); if (assignMembershipResponse.error) { logger.error( { error: assignMembershipResponse.error, }, `Failed to assign membership`, ); } else { logger.info({ accountId }, `Membership assigned. Updating account...`); } const accountResponse = await adminClient .from('accounts') .update({ name: data.userName, }) .eq('id', accountId); if (accountResponse.error) { logger.error( { error: accountResponse.error, }, `Failed to update account`, ); } else { logger.info( { accountId }, `Account updated. Cleaning up onboarding data...`, ); } // set onboarded flag on user account const updateUserResponse = await adminClient.auth.admin.updateUserById( accountId, { app_metadata: { onboarded: true, }, }, ); if (updateUserResponse.error) { logger.error( { error: updateUserResponse.error, }, `Failed to update user`, ); } else { logger.info({ accountId }, `User updated. Cleaning up...`); } // clean up onboarding data const deleteOnboardingResponse = await adminClient .from('onboarding') .delete() .eq('account_id', accountId); if (deleteOnboardingResponse.error) { logger.error( { error: deleteOnboardingResponse.error, }, `Failed to delete onboarding data`, ); } else { logger.info( { accountId }, `Onboarding data cleaned up. Completed webhook handler.`, ); } } }

Now, we handle this function in the handleCheckoutSessionCompleted method, right before the onCheckoutCompletedCallback is called.

// ... const subscriptionData = await stripe.subscriptions.retrieve(subscriptionId); const metadata = subscriptionData.metadata as { source: string; userId: string; } | undefined; // if the checkout comes from onboarding // we need to complete the onboarding process if (metadata?.source === 'onboarding') { const userId = metadata.userId; await completeOnboarding(userId); } return onCheckoutCompletedCallback(payload);

This enhanced webhook handler completes the onboarding process by creating a team account, updating the user's personal account, and marking the user as "onboarded" in their Supabase user metadata.

Step 7: Handling the Onboarding Completion Page

The checkout will rediret to the /onboarding/complete page after the onboarding process is completed. This is because there is no telling when the webhook will be triggered.

In this page, we will start fetching the user data and verify if the user has been onboarded.

If the user has been onboarded correctly, we will redirect the user to the /home page. If not, we will show a loading spinner and keep checking the user's onboarded status until it is true.

'use client'; import { useRef } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { useSupabase } from '@kit/supabase/hooks/use-supabase'; import { LoadingOverlay } from '@kit/ui/loading-overlay'; import pathsConfig from '~/config/paths.config'; export default function OnboardingCompletePage() { const { error } = useCheckUserOnboarded(); if (error) { return ( <div className={'flex flex-col items-center justify-center'}> <p>Something went wrong...</p> </div> ); } return <LoadingOverlay>Setting up your account...</LoadingOverlay>; } /** * @description * This function checks if the user is onboarded * If the user is onboarded, it redirects them to the home page * it retries every second until the user is onboarded */ function useCheckUserOnboarded() { const client = useSupabase(); const countRef = useRef(0); const maxCount = 10; const error = countRef.current >= maxCount; useQuery({ queryKey: ['onboarding-complete'], refetchInterval: () => (error ? false : 1000), queryFn: async () => { if (error) { return false; } countRef.current++; const response = await client.auth.getUser(); if (response.error) { throw response.error; } const onboarded = response.data.user.app_metadata.onboarded; // if the user is onboarded, redirect them to the home page if (onboarded) { return window.location.assign(pathsConfig.app.home); } return false; }, }); return { error, }; }

This page

What This Means for Your Onboarding Flow

With these changes, your onboarding process now includes these additional steps:

  1. When a user completes the checkout during onboarding, it triggers this enhanced webhook handler.
  2. The handler retrieves the onboarding data that was saved earlier in the process.
  3. It creates a new team account with the name provided during onboarding.
  4. It updates the user's personal account with their name.
  5. Finally, it marks the user as "onboarded" in their Supabase user metadata.

This completes the onboarding process, ensuring that all the information collected during onboarding is properly saved and the user's account is fully set up.

Step 8: Update Your App's Routing

To integrate this onboarding flow into your app, you'll need to update your routing logic.

We can do this in the middleware, in the logic branch that handles the /home route. If the user is not logged in, we'll redirect them to the sign-in page. If the user is logged in but has not completed onboarding, we'll redirect them to the onboarding flow.

Update the apps/web/app/auth/middleware.ts file:

{ pattern: new URLPattern({ pathname: '/home/*?' }), handler: async (req: NextRequest, res: NextResponse) => { const { data: { user }, } = await getUser(req, res); const origin = req.nextUrl.origin; const next = req.nextUrl.pathname; // If user is not logged in, redirect to sign in page. if (!user) { const signIn = pathsConfig.auth.signIn; const redirectPath = `${signIn}?next=${next}`; return NextResponse.redirect(new URL(redirectPath, origin).href); } // verify if user has completed onboarding const isOnboarded = user?.app_metadata.onboarded; // If user is logged in but has not completed onboarding, if (!isOnboarded) { return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/onboarding', origin).href); } const supabase = createMiddlewareClient(req, res); const requiresMultiFactorAuthentication = await checkRequiresMultiFactorAuthentication(supabase); // If user requires multi-factor authentication, redirect to MFA page. if (requiresMultiFactorAuthentication) { return NextResponse.redirect( new URL(pathsConfig.auth.verifyMfa, origin).href, ); } }, }

This code checks if the user is logged in and has completed onboarding. If the user has not completed onboarding, they are redirected to the onboarding flow.

Marking invited users as onboarded

When a user gets invited to a team account, you don't want to show them the onboarding flow again. You can use the onboarded property to mark the user as onboarded.

Update the packages/features/team-accounts/src/server/actions/team-invitations-server-actions.ts server action acceptInvitationAction at line 125 (eg. before increasing seats):

// mark user as onboarded await adminClient.auth.admin.updateUserById(user.id, { app_metadata: { onboarded: true, }, });

In this way, the user will be redirected to the /home page after accepting the invite.


Remember, the user can always unsubscribe from the plan they selected during onboarding. You should handle this case in your billing system if your app always requires a plan to be active.


That's it! You've now added an onboarding flow to your Makerkit Next.js Supabase Turbo project.

This flow includes:

  1. A profile information step
  2. A team creation step
  3. A plan selection step
  4. Integration with your billing system

Remember to style your components, handle errors gracefully, and test thoroughly. Happy coding! 🚀

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