The Remix SaaS Template for building a SaaS fast

The Ultimate Remix SaaS Template for building powerful applications

Build an unlimited number of SaaS products with any Saas Template

Save months of work and focus on building a profitable business.

Get lifetime access to all the templates for only $299.

Makerkit Dashboard Dark

The quickest way to build a SaaS with Remix

Ship your SaaS faster than ever with the best Remix SaaS Template

Build your Remix SaaS fast with pre-built Authentication, Multi-Tenancy, Settings, Stripe Payments, Blogging, Documentation and Marketing pages.

Get started in minutes

Production-Ready. The SaaS Template includes all the essential tools and resources you need to launch your project.

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Modern Tech-Stack

Makerkit is built with React v18 and Typescript.

Use any combination between Next.js, Remix, Firebase and Supabase.


No need to waste time in configuration madness: everything is ready to be deployed.

Clean Code

The codebase is simple, clean and well-commented.

Most importantly, it's fully customizable and easy to extend.

Daily updates

Makerkit is updated every day to support the latest versions of the frameworks and libraries it uses.

We also add new features and fix bugs on a regular basis.

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Built-in Authentication Flows

Authentication. Authenticate users with any of the providers supported by Firebase or Supabase Auth.

Email Authentication

Allow your users to sign in using their email and password.

We augmented the Firebase implementation so to block users from accessing your app until they verify their email address.

Social Sign-in

Makerkit also supports social sign-in using all the providers supported by Firebase and Supabase.

These include Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, and more.

Magic Links

Makerkit supports email link authentication, allowing you to send your users a link to sign in to your app.

Password Reset

Stop wasting time supporting users who lost their passwords, and let them self-recover their credentials using the pre-built password reset flow.

An extra layer of security

Multi-Provider Accounts and MFA. We Support Multi-Factor Authentication and multi-provider account linking.

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Multi-Factor Auth (MFA/2FA)

Makerkit includes support for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA/2FA) and linking accounts to multiple providers.

Multi-Provider Accounts

Users can link their accounts using multiple providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter)

Authenticator Apps (Google Authenticator, Authy, etc.)

The MFA implementation allows users to use their preferred authenticator app to further secure their accounts (Supabase only).

Anonymous Accounts

Leverage freemium content by converting anonymous visitors to a signed-up user without losing the data they created while using your app (Firebase only).

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Multi-Tenancy. Users can create organizations, invite other members, set up their role, transfer ownership, etc.


Built-in support for groups of users we call Organizations

Feel free to rename the entity as you wish: project, team, squad, etc.

User Invitations

Users can invite new members, assign roles, and gate access to certain features based on the users' role

Members Roles (Owner, Admin, Member, etc.)

Makerkit comes with predefined roles, but you can add your own and customize them as you wish.

Transfer Ownership

Owners of an organization can transfer ownership to other users of the organization.

Get Paid

Stripe Payments. Collect payments and create recurring subscriptions using Stripe Checkout embedded right into your SaaS.

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Stripe Checkout

You'll be able to securely accept credit card payments on your site and start selling to customers in no time.

Seamlessly from your SaaS, no redirects.

Stripe Billing Portal

The Stripe Billing Portal gives your users a secure admin dashboard where they can view their transactions and invoices, and manage their plans with ease.

Lemon Squeezy support

Lemon Squeezy is a Stripe alternative that acts as a Merchant of Record, which handles sales tax for you.

The kits that support Lemon Squeezy are Next.js Firebase, Next.js Supabase and Remix Supabase.

Pricing Table

The pricing table is a React component that will be automatically generated based on the plans you create in the configuration file.
Makerkit Admin
Your SaaS HQ

Super Admin. Our Super Admin panel allows admin users to manage users, organizations and impersonate them.

Manage Organizations

Admins can view and delete all the organizations, their details and their members.

Banning Users

Admins can ban or reactivate users from the Admin Panel.


Admins can impersonate users to offer support, debug issues, etc.


Extend the Admin panel with your stats or actions that are relevant to your SaaS. The sky is the limit!

Pixel-Perfect UI

Delightful UI. Crafted with care, the UI is beautiful and easy to use for you and your users.

Makerkit Dashboard Themes

Delightful design

We crafted every pixels of the UI to make it look great and be easy to use.

Light and Dark Themes

Makerkit supports a beautiful Tailwind CSS dark theme that users can toggle with a switch button.

ShadCN UI Components

MakerKit comes with minimal UI components based on ShadCN UI and HeroIcons


The full platform was designed with a mobile-first approach.

Users will be able to access the platform from any device, and it will look just as good.

Makerkit SaaS Kit Documentatation Generator
Marketing, SEO, and Content

Marketing Tools. Kickstart your Marketing efforts with everything from landing pages, and the product's blog and documentation generator.

Google Analytics

Keep track and analyze your users' behavior with Google Analytics

This is supported by default only by the Firebase/Next.js kit.


Get your website high-up in the Google Search results with our SEO-optimized blog generator.

Write your blog posts with all the power of MDX.

Documentation Generator

Educate your customers with the built-in documentation generator and improve your site SEO with great content.

Just like your blog, use MDX to write your docs in a snap.


SEO-friendly by default with all the required meta tags, structured data and pre-rendered static content

RSS and Sitemap are generated automatically for the whole website.

Beyond the Starter Kit

Premium Codebases. Get access to Premium Codebases that include advanced features and extra functionality. Premium codebases are being migrated to v2.

Premium AiSaasStarter

Premium Codebases

Get access to the AI Chatbot SaaS, Kanban Board SaaS, AI PDF Chat and AI Blog Writer.

Our incredible codebases are value-packed examples you can use for inspiration and to build your own SaaS.

Only on the Teams Plan

The Premium Codebases are available for Teams users only. You can upgrade to Teams at any time.

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Extend with Plugins by Makerkit

Plugins. The kits have all you need to build your SaaS. But if you need more, we got you covered. Install plugins with a single command.

More Functionality

Extend your SaaS with community plugins that you can install with a single command.

Available at no extra cost for Makerkit Pro and Teams users.

AI Chatbot

Instead of paying for a third-party chatbot, you can use our AI Chatbot plugin to add a chatbot to your website and provide support to your customers.

AI Text Editor

Our AI Text Editor is a plugin that allows you to create a WYSIWYG editor with AI powered features, such as tone rewriting, grammar correction, and more. Built with Lexical And OpenAI.

Feedback Widget

Receive feedback from your users with a simple widget that you can add to any page of your website.
Debug and Test your SaaS

Debugging and Testing. Makerkit includes Sentry for error monitoring and Playwright for E2E testing. Both are optional until you configure it.

Error Monitoring with Sentry or Baselime

Keep track of runtime exceptions in your production application with Baselime or Sentry, and act before your customers complain. Available for v2.

E2E Testing with Playwright

Makerkit includes E2E tests with Playwright

Whenever you're ready to start testing your application, Playwright is one command away.

Hop in the Discord community and say hi!. You can ask questions, provide feedback, report bugs, get support, or just chat with the community.

You can reach out to me anytime you need help with a project or just have a question about how to use a certain tool. Or maybe you just want some advice on how to get started with Makerkit in the first place!

It's a friendly space, for everyone.

Makerkit's true magic: the community 💚

Support and Community. As a member of our community, you'll have access to support from me as well as the entire Makerkit community.

Support and Community

Don't build alone!

Get support via Email or (ideally) our Discord community, or during office hours on Fridays

Get help from Experts

Need a hand?

Get access to a vetted list of experts who can help you with a project.

Your license is valid forever for unlimited apps

Build as many apps as you want, ship them to production, and use them forever.
  • Lifetime access to the SaaS Starter Kits
  • Use any of the kits you want to use
  • Build unlimited applications, with any starter kit
  • Daily updates (packages, features, examples, etc.)
  • Access to the Discord community
  • The best support in the SaaS Starter kits market, period.
  • Community and Chat support
  • Community-based feature requests and Request for Comments. You have a say in what Makerkit should build next.
  • Access to new SaaS Starters and resources before anyone else
  • One-time payment, no subscriptions
  • Includes access to Plugins, such as AI Chatbot, AI Writer, Feedback Portal, and more
  • Access to AI Premium Codebases (Teams license only)
Prices in USD. VAT may apply.
A B2B SaaS Starter Kit for individual developers.

$349 $299/lifetime

  • Unlimited Projects
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Access to 1 user
  • All kits versions
  • Community Support
  • Plugins
TeamsA B2B SaaS Starter Kit for teams of developers or companies.

$649 $599/lifetime

  • Unlimited Projects
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Collaborators
  • All kits versions
  • Private Chat Support
  • Plugins
  • Premium AI Codebases access