Writing data to Database | Remix Supabase SaaS Kit
Learn how to write, update and delete data using the Supabase Database in Remix Supabase SaaS Kit project.
Similarly to reading data, we may want to create a custom hook
also when we write, update or delete data to our Supabase database.
Assuming we have an entity called tasks
, and we want to create a hook to create a new Task
, we can do the following.
- First, we create a new hook at
- We add the
table name tolib/db-tables.ts
- We create a
file withinlib/tasks
export const TASKS_TABLE = `tasks`;
In our mutations file, we will add all the mutations we want to perform on the tasks
table. In this case, we will add a createTask
export function createTask( client: Client, task: Task,) { return client.from(TASKS_TABLE).insert(task).throwOnError();}
Now, we can use the createTask
mutation in our useCreateTask
We will be using the useMutation
hook from react-query
to create our hook.
function useCreateTaskMutation(task: Task) { const client = useSupabase(); return useMutation( async (task: Task) => { return createTask(client, task); } );}export default useCreateTaskMutation;
Let's take a look at a complete example of a form that makes a request using the hook above:
import { useNavigate } from '@remix-run/react';import type { FormEventHandler } from 'react';import { useCallback } from 'react';import { toast } from 'sonner';import TextField from '~/core/ui/TextField';import Button from '~/core/ui/Button';import useCreateTaskMutation from '~/lib/tasks/hooks/use-create-task';import useCurrentOrganization from '~/lib/organizations/hooks/use-current-organization';const CreateTaskForm = () => { const createTaskMutation = useCreateTaskMutation(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const organization = useCurrentOrganization(); const organizationId = organization?.id as number; const onCreateTask: FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement> = useCallback( async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const target = event.currentTarget; const data = new FormData(target); const name = data.get('name') as string; const dueDate = (data.get('dueDate') as string) || getDefaultDueDate(); if (name.trim().length < 3) { toast.error('Task name must be at least 3 characters long'); return; } const task = { organizationId, name, dueDate, done: false, }; // create task await createTaskMutation.mutateAsync(task); // redirect to /tasks return navigate(`/tasks`); }, [navigate, createTaskMutation, organizationId] ); return ( <form onSubmit={onCreateTask}> <div> <TextField.Label> Name <TextField.Input required name={'name'} placeholder={'ex. Launch on IndieHackers'} /> <TextField.Hint>Hint: whatever you do, ship!</TextField.Hint> </TextField.Label> <TextField.Label> Due date <TextField.Input name={'dueDate'} type={'date'} /> </TextField.Label> <div> <Button>Create Task</Button> </div> </div> </form> );};export default CreateTaskForm;function getDefaultDueDate() { const date = new Date(); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); date.setHours(23, 59, 59); return date.toDateString();}