Environment Variables

Learn how to configure environment variables in the Remix Supabase Starter Kit.

Environment variables are defined in the .env file in the root of the apps/web package.

These environment variables are only used during development and are not used in production. In production, the environment variables are set in the CI/CD system.

The .env file is not committed to git - so you could place sensitive information in there for local development. Just be careful not to commit it to git.

Public vs Private Environment Variables

I use the following convention:

  1. Public Environment Variables are prefixed with VITE_ and are available to the client-side code. They are added to the window object when added to apps/web/lib/public-env.ts. This is copied from Next.js - with the difference we add them to the client side manually. I like the convention.
  2. Private Environment Variables are not prefixed and are only available to the server-side code. Please make this the default. If you need to add a public environment variable, please add it to the apps/web/lib/public-env.ts file.

Adding public environment variables to the client-side

To add public environment variables to the client-side, you need to add them to the apps/web/lib/public-env.ts file.

/** * @name PUBLIC_ENV * @description This is the public environment variables that are available to the client. * We use this to expose public environment variables to the client. */ export const PUBLIC_ENV = { // ... default public vars, // Add your public environment variables here ... };

Please DO NOT add sensitive information to this file.

Sample Environment Variables

Below is a sample .env file with the environment variables you need to set for the Remix Supabase Starter Kit.

# SITE VITE_SITE_URL=http://localhost:5173 VITE_PRODUCT_NAME=Makerkit VITE_SITE_TITLE="Makerkit - The easiest way to build and manage your SaaS" VITE_SITE_DESCRIPTION="Makerkit is the easiest way to build and manage your SaaS. It provides you with the tools you need to build your SaaS, without the hassle of building it from scratch." VITE_DEFAULT_THEME_MODE=light VITE_THEME_COLOR="#ffffff" VITE_THEME_COLOR_DARK="#0a0a0a" # AUTH VITE_AUTH_PASSWORD=true VITE_AUTH_MAGIC_LINK=false VITE_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= # BILLING VITE_BILLING_PROVIDER=stripe # CMS CMS_CLIENT=keystatic # KEYSTATIC VITE_KEYSTATIC_CONTENT_PATH=./content # LOCALES PATH VITE_LOCALES_PATH=apps/web/public/locales # PATHS (to be used in "packages") SIGN_IN_PATH=/auth/sign-in SIGN_UP_PATH=/auth/sign-up TEAM_ACCOUNTS_HOME_PATH=/home INVITATION_PAGE_PATH=/join # FEATURE FLAGS VITE_ENABLE_THEME_TOGGLE=true VITE_ENABLE_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_DELETION=true VITE_ENABLE_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_BILLING=true VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_DELETION=true VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_BILLING=true VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS=true VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_CREATION=true


For Supabase, you'll need to add the following environment variables:



Please check the Stripe documentation.

Lemon Squeezy

Please check the Lemon Squeezy documentation.


Please check the Mailers documentation.


Please check the Monitoring documentation.


Please check the CMS documentation.

Feature Flags

To enable or disable certain application features, please toggle the values below:


The following feature flags are available:

  1. VITE_ENABLE_THEME_TOGGLE - you can hide the theme toggle (if you want to force a single theme)
  2. VITE_ENABLE_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_DELETION - to prevent users from self-deleting their personal account
  3. VITE_ENABLE_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_BILLING - to enable/disable billing for personal accounts
  4. VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_DELETION - to prevent team accounts from self-deleting the account
  5. VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_BILLING - to enable/disable billing for team accounts
  6. VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS - to disable team accounts
  7. VITE_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_CREATION - to enable/disable the ability to create a team account

Personal Accounts vs Team Accounts

The starter kit supports two types of accounts:

  1. Personal accounts are accounts that are owned by a single user.
  2. Team accounts are accounts that group multiple users together.

This allows you to:

  1. Serve B2C customers (personal accounts)
  2. Serve B2B customers (team accounts)
  3. Allow both (for example, like GitHub)

In the vast majority of cases, you will want to enable billing for personal OR team accounts. I have not seen many cases where billing both was required.

To do so, please set the following variables accordingly.

For enabling personal accounts billing only:


You may also want to fully disable team accounts:


To enable team accounts billing only:


To enable both, leave them both as true.

Please remember that for ensuring DB consistency, you need to also set them at DB level by adjusting the table config:

create table if not exists public.config( enable_team_accounts boolean default true not null, enable_account_billing boolean default true not null, enable_team_account_billing boolean default true not null, billing_provider public.billing_provider default 'stripe' not null );

To enable personal account billing:

update config set enable_account_billing = true;

To enable team account billing:

update config set enable_team_account_billing = true;

To disable team accounts:

update config set enable_team_accounts = false;

To leave them both enabled, just leave them as they are.

Contact Form submissions

To receive submissions from the contact form, you need to set up the following environment variables:


This email will receive the submissions from the contact form.

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