Setting your authentication configuration

Learn how to setup the authentication configuration of your Remix Supabase application

Makerkit supports three different authentication methods:

  1. Password - the traditional email/password method, set to true by default
  2. Magic Link - magic link, set to false by default
  3. oAuth - oAuth providers, by default we set Google Auth

The authentication configuration is set at apps/web/config/auth.config.ts.

The recomendation is to not update this directly - instead, please define the environment variables below and override the default behavior. The configuration is validated using the Zod schema AuthConfigSchema, so if something is off, you'll see the errors.

const authConfig = AuthConfigSchema.parse({
// NB: This is a public key, so it's safe to expose.
// Copy the value from the Supabase Dashboard.
captchaTokenSiteKey: import.meta.env.VITE_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
// NB: Enable the providers below in the Supabase Console
// in your production project
providers: {
password: import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH_PASSWORD === 'true',
magicLink: import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH_MAGIC_LINK === 'true',
oAuth: ['google'],
} satisfies z.infer<typeof AuthConfigSchema>);

For example, if you wanted to switch from password auth to magic link, you'd set the below variables:


Password Requirements

To set the password requirements, you can set the following environment variables:


The above will enforce the following rules:

  1. At least one uppercase letter
  2. At least one number
  3. At least one special character


To enforce MFA for RLS (Row Level Security) you need to customize the RLS policies as per the Supabase documentation.