Using translations in your React Router Supabase project
Makerkit uses i18next to translate your project into multiple languages. This guide will show you how to use translations in your React Router Supabase project.
Makerkit uses i18next
for translations, although we abstract if behind the package @kit/i18n
- so that if we ever need to change the translation library, we can do so without affecting your code.
Makerkit's translations system works everywhere:
- Server components
- Client components
- Server-side rendering
How to use translations
Bootstrapping i18n in Server Components
When you create a new page, make sure to wrap it around the withI18n
function to bootstrap the translations before rendering the server component.
Because server components are rendered in parallel, there is no telling which one will be rendered first. This is why we need to bootstrap the translations before rendering the server component in each page/layout.
import { withI18n } from '~/lib/i18n/with-i18n';const Page = () => { return <div>My page</div>;};export default withI18n(Page);
Using translations in Server Components
Once you have bootstrapped the translations, you can use the Trans
component to translate strings in your server components.
import { Trans } from '@kit/ui';const Page = () => { return ( <div> <Trans i18nKey="auth:signIn" /> </div> );};export default withI18n(Page);
It is very important you load the Trans
component from @kit/ui
and not from react-i18next
Using the useTranslation hook
You can also use the useTranslation
hook to translate strings in components that are not in the render path.
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';const MyComponent = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); return <div>{t('auth:signIn')}</div>;};