Sending Emails in the React Router Supabase Starter Kit

Learn how to send emails in the React Router Supabase Starter Kit.

The Mailer class is extremely simple:

import { z } from 'zod';
import { MailerSchema } from './schema/mailer.schema';
export abstract class Mailer<Res = unknown> {
abstract sendEmail(data: z.infer<typeof MailerSchema>): Promise<Res>;

The sendEmail method is an abstract method that you need to implement in your mailer provider. The method receives an object with the following properties:

Once you have configured the mailer provider, you can start sending emails using the sendEmail method. Here is an example of how to send an email using the default mailer:

import { getMailer } from '@kit/mailers';
async function sendEmail(params: {
from: string;
to: string;
}) {
const mailer = await getMailer();
return mailer.sendEmail({
to: params.from,
subject: 'Hello',
text: 'Hello, World!'

The sendEmail method returns a promise that resolves when the email is sent successfully. If there is an error, the promise will be rejected with an error message.

If you want to send HTML emails, you can use the html property instead of the text property:

import { getMailer } from '@kit/mailers';
async function sendEmail(params: {
from: string;
to: string;
}) {
const mailer = await getMailer();
return mailer.sendEmail({
to: params.from,
subject: 'Hello',
html: '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>'

Et voilà! You are now ready to send emails from your React Router Supabase Starter Kit. 🚀