Stepper Component in the React Router Supabase SaaS kit

Learn how to use the Stepper component in the React Router Supabase SaaS kit

The Stepper component is a versatile UI element designed to display a series of steps in a process or form. It provides visual feedback on the current step and supports different visual styles.


import { Stepper } from '@kit/ui/stepper';
function MyComponent() {
return (
steps={['Step 1', 'Step 2', 'Step 3']}


The Stepper component accepts the following props:

  • steps: string[] (required): An array of strings representing the labels for each step.
  • currentStep: number (required): The index of the currently active step (0-based).
  • variant?: 'numbers' | 'default' (optional): The visual style of the stepper. Defaults to 'default'.


The Stepper component supports two visual variants:

  1. default: Displays steps as a horizontal line with labels underneath.
  2. numbers: Displays steps as numbered circles with labels between them.


  • Responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes
  • Dark mode support
  • Customizable appearance through CSS classes and variants
  • Accessibility support with proper ARIA attributes

Component Breakdown

Main Stepper Component

The main Stepper function renders the overall structure of the component. It:

  • Handles prop validation and default values
  • Renders nothing if there are fewer than two steps
  • Uses a callback to render individual steps
  • Applies different CSS classes based on the chosen variant

Steps Rendering

Steps are rendered using a combination of divs and spans, with different styling applied based on:

  • Whether the step is currently selected
  • The chosen variant (default or numbers)

StepDivider Component

For the 'numbers' variant, a StepDivider component is used to render the labels between numbered steps. It includes:

  • Styling for selected and non-selected states
  • A divider line between steps (except for the last step)


The component uses a combination of:

  • Tailwind CSS classes for basic styling
  • cva (Class Variance Authority) for managing variant-based styling
  • classNames function for conditional class application


  • The component uses aria-selected to indicate the current step
  • Labels are associated with their respective steps for screen readers


You can further customize the appearance of the Stepper by:

  1. Modifying the classNameBuilder function to add or change CSS classes
  2. Adjusting the Tailwind CSS classes in the component JSX
  3. Creating new variants in the cva configuration


steps={['Account', 'Personal Info', 'Review']}

This will render a numbered stepper with three steps, where "Personal Info" is the current (selected) step.

The Stepper component provides a flexible and visually appealing way to guide users through multi-step processes in your application. Its support for different variants and easy customization makes it adaptable to various design requirements.