Configuring Stripe Billing in the React Router Supabase SaaS Kit

Learn how to configure Stripe in the Makerkit React Router Supabase SaaS Kit

Stripe is the default billing provider in both the local config and the DB, so you don't need to set these values if you want to use Stripe.

For Stripe, you'll need to set the following environment variables:


While the VITE_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY is public and can be added anywhere - please do not add the secret keys to the .env file.

During development, you can place them in .env.local as it's not committed to the repository. In production, you can set them in the environment variables of your hosting provider.

Stripe CLI

The Stripe CLI which allows you to listen to Stripe events straight to your own localhost. You can install and use the CLI using a variety of methods, but we recommend using Docker - since you already have it installed.

First - login to your Stripe account using the project you want to run:

docker run --rm -it --name=stripe -v ~/.config/stripe:/root/.config/stripe stripe/stripe-cli:latest login

Now, you can listen to Stripe events running the following command:

pnpm run stripe:listen

If you have not logged in - the first time you set it up, you are required to sign in. This is a one-time process. Once you sign in, you can use the CLI to listen to Stripe events.

Please sign in and then re-run the command. Now, you can listen to Stripe events.

Once you start listening to Stripe events, you can use the CLI to listen to Stripe events.

Now, please copy the webhook secret displayed in the terminal and set it as the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable in your .env.local file:


If you're not receiving events, please make sure that:

  1. the webhook secret is correct
  2. the account you signed in is the same as the one you're using in your app

Configuring the Stripe Customer Portal

Stripe requires you to set up the Customer Portal so that users can manage their billing information, invoices and plan settings from there.

  1. Please make sure to enable the setting that lets users switch plans
  2. Configure the behavior of the cancellation according to your needs

Setting Production Webhooks in Stripe

When going to production, you will need to set the webhook URL and the events you want to listen to in Stripe.

The webhook path is /api/billing/webhook. If your app is hosted at then you need to enter

To ensure the URL is publicly accessible, please visit it using Incognito mode in your browser.

Makerkit needs the following events to work:

  1. checkout.session.completed
  2. customer.subscription.updated
  3. customer.subscription.deleted

Only if you're using one-off payments, please add:

  1. checkout.session.async_payment_failed
  2. checkout.session.async_payment_succeeded

If your application needs more events, please add them, but remember to handle them.

You can handle additional events by adding the required handlers in the api/billing/webhook/route.ts file.