Team Account API | React Router Supabase SaaS Kit Turbo

A quick introduction to the Team Account API in the React Router Supabase SaaS Kit

You can use the Team Account API for retrieving information about the team account.


To use the Team Account API, you need to import the createTeamAccountsApi function from @kit/team-account/api. We need to pass a valid SupabaseClient to the function - so we can interact with the database from the server.

import { createTeamAccountsApi } from '@kit/team-accounts/api';
import { getSupabaseServerClient } from '@kit/supabase/server-client';
export async function loader() {
const client = getSupabaseServerClient();
const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
// use api

If you're in a Server Action context, you'd use:

'use server';
import { createTeamAccountsApi } from '@kit/team-accounts/api';
import { getSupabaseServerClient } from '@kit/supabase/server-client';
export async function myServerAction() {
const client = getSupabaseServerClient();
const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
// use api


The Account API provides the following methods:

Get the team account by ID

Retrieves the team account by ID using the getTeamAccountById method.

You can also use this method to check if the user is already in the account.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const account = await api.getTeamAccountById('account-id');

Get the team account subscription

Get the subscription data for the account using the getSubscription method.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const subscription = await api.getSubscription('account-id');

Get the team account order

Get the orders data for the given account using the getOrder method.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const order = await api.getOrder('account-id');

Get the account workspace data

Get the account workspace data.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const workspace = await api.getAccountWorkspace('account-slug');

This method is already called in the account layout and is unlikely to be used in other contexts. This is used to hydrate the workspace data in the context.

Since it's already loaded, you can use the data from the context.

Checking a user's permission within an account

Check if the user has permission to perform a specific action within the account using the hasPermission method.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const hasPermission = await api.hasPermission({
accountId: 'account-id',
userId: 'user-id',
permission: 'billing.manage',

Getting the members count in the account

Get the number of members in the account using the getMembersCount method.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const membersCount = await api.getMembersCount('account-id');

Get the billing customer ID

Get the billing customer ID for the given account using the getCustomerId method.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const customerId = await api.getCustomerId('account-id');

Retrieve an invitation

Get the invitation data from the invite token.

const api = createTeamAccountsApi(client);
const invitation = await api.getInvitation(adminClient, 'invite-token');

This method is used to get the invitation data from the invite token. It's used when the user is not yet part of the account and needs to be invited. The adminClient is used to read the pending membership. The method returns the invitation data if it exists, otherwise null.