Adding a Super Admin to your React Router Supabase application

In this post, you will learn how to set up a Super Admin in your React Router Supabase application

The Super Admin panel allows you to manage users and accounts.

To access the super admin panel at /admin, you will need to assign a user as a super admin.

Testing the Super Admin locally

By default, we seed the auth.users table with a super admin user. To login as this user, you can use the following credentials:

"email": "",
"password": "testingpassword"

Since you require MFA for the Super Admin user, please use the following steps to pass MFA:

  1. TOTP: Use the following TOTP generator to generate a TOTP code.
  2. Secret Key: Use the test secret key NHOHJVGPO3R3LKVPRMNIYLCDMBHUM2SE to generate a TOTP code.
  3. Verify: Use the TOTP code and the secret key to verify the MFA code. Make sure the TOTP code is not expired when you verify the MFA code.

Assigning a Super Admin role to a user

To add your own super admin user, you will need to:

  1. Role: Add the super-admin role to the user in your database
  2. Enable MFA: Enable MFA for the user (mandatory) from the profile settings of the user

Modify the auth.users record in your database

To assign a user as a super admin, run the following SQL query from your Supabase SQL Query editor:

UPDATE auth.users SET raw_app_meta_data = raw_app_meta_data || '{"role": "super-admin"}' WHERE id='<user_id>';

Please replace <user_id> with the user ID you want to assign as a super admin.

Enable MFA for the Super Admin user

The Super Admin user will be required to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access the Super Admin panel.

Please navigate to the /settings page and enable MFA for the Super Admin user.