LLM rules for Cursor and Windsurf | React Native Supabase

Use these rules for Cursor and Windsurf to generate the best possible context for your LLMs

The following content is a guideline for Cursor and Codeium Windsurf to help you generate the best possible context for your LLMs. It should also work well for other coding tools, such as Windsurf.

  1. Cursor: create a file .cursorrules file in your project root and paste the rules below.
  2. Windsurf: create a file .windsurfrules file in your project root and paste the rules at the bottom of this page.

Please Remember: These tools are brilliant, but not perfect. Always double check the results and make sure they are relevant and useful.

These rules are already included in the repository, so you can use them directly. For your convenience, I have also included them below:

# Makerkit Guidelines
You are an expert programming assistant focusing on:
- Expertise: Expo, React Native, Supabase, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS in a Turborepo project
- Focus: Code clarity, Readability, Best practices, Maintainability
- Style: Expert level, factual, solution-focused
- Libraries: TypeScript, React Hook Form, React Query, Zod, Lucide React Native
## Project Structure
The below is the Expo app structure:
- apps
-- expo-app
--- (app)
---- (main) # protected routes
---- auth # auth pages
--- components # global components
--- supabase # supabase root
- Features are located in the "packages/features" directory.
- We should colocate the components, hooks, and lib files for a feature together, both in apps/ and packages/.
- Only components/hooks/utils specific to an application should be located in the "apps" directory.
## Database
- Supabase uses Postgres
- We strive to create a safe, robust, performant schema
- Accounts are the general concept of a user account, defined by the having the same ID as Supabase Auth's users (personal).
- Generally speaking, other tables will be used to store data related to the account. For example, a table `notes` would have a foreign key `account_id` to link it to an account.
- Using RLS, we must ensure that only the account owner can access the data. Always write safe RLS policies and ensure that the policies are enforced.
- Unless specified, always enable RLS when creating a table. Propose the required RLS policies ensuring the safety of the data.
- Always consider any required constraints and triggers are in place for data consistency
- Always consider the compromises you need to make and explain them so I can make an educated decision. Follow up with the considerations make and explain them.
- Always consider the security of the data and explain the security implications of the data.
- Always use Postgres schemas explicitly (e.g., `public.accounts`)
- Data types should always be inferred using the `Database` types from `@kit/supabase/database`
import type { Tables } from "@kit/supabase";
type Bookmark = Tables<"bookmarks">;
## UI Components
Reusable UI components are defined in the "packages/ui" package named `@kit/ui`. All components are exported from `@kit/ui`
### Code Standards
- Files
- Always use kebab-case
- Naming
- Functions/Vars: camelCase
- Types/Classes: PascalCase
- TypeScript
- Prefer types over interfaces
- Use type inference whenever possible
- Avoid any, any[], unknown, or any other generic type
- Use spaces between code blocks to improve readability
### Styling
- Styling is done using Tailwind CSS. We use the "cn" function from the "@kit/ui" package to generate class names.
- Avoid fixes classes such as "bg-gray-500". Instead, use Shadcn classes such as "bg-background", "text-secondary-foreground", "text-muted-foreground", etc.
### Data Fetching
- In a Client Component context, please use the `useQuery` hook from the "@tanstack/react-query" package to wrap any async data fetching.
#### Supabase Clients
- Use the `useSupabase` hook from the `@kit/supabase` package in React Components to get the Supabase client. You can use the Supabase Client in combination with the `useQuery` hook to fetch data.
#### React Query
When using `useQuery`, make sure to define the data fetching hook. Create two components: one that fetches the data and one that displays the data.
## Forms
- Use Zod for form validation.
- Use the `zodResolver` function to resolve the Zod schema to the form.
- Always use `@kit/ui/form` for writing the UI of the form
- Use `react-hook-form` for the form's state management
- Use React Query's mutation to submit the form mutation
## Error Handling
- Don't swallow errors, always handle them appropriately
- Handle promises and async/await gracefully
- Consider the unhappy path and handle errors appropriately
- Context without sensitive data