Compile MDX Documents with Makerkit

Compile MDX Documents with Makerkit

MDX is one of the most common Markdown flavours for React-based websites. It allows us to include our own components into our documents and take out blog's interactivity to the next level.

The Makerkit starter uses MDX for writing documents in the blog and in the documentation; it may be likely that you would want to add your own document types and use MDX for other purposes; for example, you could replace some of your HTML with MDX documents if you felt like for making it easier to change by non-technical teammates.

In this section, we will explain how to compile MDX content with the Makerkit's utilities.

1) Compiling MDX to JS

The first step is to compile MDX to Javascript.

To do so, compile your MDX files with the following utility:

import { compileMdx } from '~/core/generic';
// MDX string
const content = '';
// JS representation of your MDX content
const compiled = compileMdx(content);

2) Pass the compiled MDX file into the MDXRenderer component

Finally, we import the MDXRenderer component that takes the string compiled with the compileMDX utility and renders it as HTML.

import MDXRenderer from '~/components/blog/MDXRenderer';
function ArticleBody(props: React.PropsWithChildren<{ content: string }>) {
return (
<MDXRenderer code={content} />;

Under the hood, the component MDXRenderer will inject a couple of custom components we use in the documents: these can be viewed and edited at ~/components/blog/MDXComponents.

Custom MDX Components


The NextImage component replaces the default img HTML tag and adds the awesome capabilities of the default Image component baked in Next.js.

You have 2 ways to use this:

  1. Simply use an image tag as you would normally
  2. Use NextImage as a component, which is better if you have to pass custom attributes such as width and height

All links are automatically patched with the following attributes: target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" for security and UX reasons.


To embed videos in your blog and docs, simply use the Video component:

<Video src={"/path/to/video.mp4"} />

Other UI Components

Additionally, we also imported some components from ~/core/ui by default that you can use in any MDX document.