Fetching data from Firestore

Learn how fetch data from your Firestore database in Makerkit

When fetching data from Firestore, we use the hooks provided by reactfire, although you could also use plain functions from the Firebase SDK if you preferred.

To make data-fetching from Firestore more reusable, our convention is to create a custom React hook for each query we make.

For example, let's take a look at the hook to fetch an organization from Firestore:

import { useFirestore, useFirestoreDocData } from 'reactfire';
import { doc, DocumentReference } from 'firebase/firestore';
import { Organization } from '~/lib/organizations/types/organization';
import { ORGANIZATIONS_COLLECTION } from '~/lib/firestore-collections';
type Response = WithId<Organization>;
export function useFetchOrganization(
organizationId: string
) {
const firestore = useFirestore();
const ref = doc(
) as DocumentReference<Response>;
return useFirestoreDocData(ref, { idField: 'id' });
export default useFetchOrganization;

Let's explain the above:

  1. First, we get the Firestore instance using useFirestore
  2. We create a Firestore reference to the path of the organization collection
  3. Strong-type the document reference as DocumentReference<Response> so that Typescript will correctly infer the following usages of the reference
  4. Finally, we request the data using the hook useFirestoreDocData, which will return the record's data.

NB: Additionally, we tell Firestore to add the id of the field to the object's dat using { idField: 'id' }. This is why the interface returned is WithId<Organization>. We're basically telling Typescript that the data returned is the combination of the following interfaces:

interface WithId {
id: string;
interface Organization {
// ...

This is very useful, as often times you will need the IDs of your Firestore documents on the client-side.

When you create a new Firestore collection, remember to:

  1. Add the required Firestore rules
  2. Store and read the name of the collection from ~/lib/firestore-collections: this helps you avoid magic strings when typing your collection names
  3. Create hooks to fetch data. Usually, we store these in lib/<entity>/hooks

Consuming data from the Firestore hooks

Reactfire's custom hooks help us fetch data from Firestore effortlessly, but we need to pay attention when using them due to their asynchronous nature.

For example, let's see how we can use the hook above correctly by displaying a different UI based on the status of the hook:

import { useFetchOrganization } from './use-fetch-organization';
function OrganizationCard({ organizationId }) {
const {
data: organization,
} = useFetchOrganization(organizationId);
/* data is loading */
if (status === `loading`) {
return <div>Loading...</div>
/* request errored */
if (status === `error`) {
return <div>Error!</div>
/* request successful, we can access "organization" */
return <div>{organization.name}</div>;

Fetching data from a collection using a Firestore query

Fetching data from a collection using a query is a common scenario.

For example, we assume you have a collection named tasks, with a foreign key organizationId represents the ID of the organization to which it belongs.

Of course, you will want to write a query to fetch a list of tasks for your organization.

When we define our entity, we will need to add a key organizationId so we can match it against the ID of the organization it belongs to. For example, take a look at the Task interface below:

export interface Task {
name: string;
description: string;
dueDate: string;
done: boolean;
// here we use organizationId as a foreign key
organizationId: string;

Now, we can write a hook that gets a list of tasks that have organizationId equal to the one we pass:

import { useFirestore, useFirestoreCollectionData } from 'reactfire';
import {
} from 'firebase/firestore';
import { Task } from '~/lib/tasks/types/task';
function useFetchTasks(organizationId: string) {
const firestore = useFirestore();
const tasksCollection = 'tasks';
const collectionRef = collection(
) as CollectionReference<WithId<Task>>;
const path = `organizationId`;
const operator = '==';
const constraint = where(path, operator, organizationId);
const organizationsQuery = query(collectionRef, constraint);
return useFirestoreCollectionData(organizationsQuery, {
idField: 'id',
export default useFetchTasks;

Security Rules

What about securing our Firestore database? We will use Firestore's security rules. During development, you can update the firestore.rules file in your root folder, but remember that you need to propagate these to your Firebase instance using the console.

The functions userIsMemberByOrganizationId and isSignedIn are added by default to the Makerkit's starter:

match /tasks/{taskId} {
allow create: if isSignedIn();
allow read, update, delete: if userIsMemberByOrganizationId(existingData().organizationId);

Strong Typing

When reading data, it's necessary to strong-type your queries. While the Firebase SDK isn't exactly type-friendly in some situations; we can make it work by casting references to the correct type.

Casting Documents References

When casting Firestore documents, you can use as DocumentReference<T>:

const organizationRef = doc(
) as DocumentReference<WithId<Organization>>;

When getting the response from Firestore, the type will be correctly inferred as WithId<Organization>.

Casting Collections References

When casting Firestore collections, you can use as CollectionReference<T>:

const collectionRef = collection(
) as CollectionReference<WithId<Task>>;