Adding Admins

A quick guide to set the correct permissions to add new admin users

To access the Super Admin, your users need to be updated with the correct Custom Claims. We use custom claims to verify they can access the super admin.

We do so by setting the role property to super-admin.

{ "role": "super-admin" }

You can provide more roles for your super admin users - but we only use super-admin by default, which is equipped with all permissions.

If you're using the emulator, the user is set up with super admin permissions by default.

Updating Custom claims to set User as Super Admin

To set a user's custom claims against a production environment, we need to write a script that can update the user's custom claims using the Firebase Admin package.

Below is a script that allows you to set a user's custom claims.

Before proceeding, make sure to:

  1. Install "dotenv" using npm i dotenv if not installed yet
  2. Add your environment variables to .env.local, where we can store secret keys without them being committed to the Git repository
  3. Grab the ID of the user (from the Firebase console) you want to set as super-admin and place it in the variable userId at the bottom of the script.
import { config } from 'dotenv'; config({ path: '.env.local' }); import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'; const privateKey = process.env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'); export const app = admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert({ projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID, privateKey, clientEmail: process.env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL, }), projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID, storageBucket: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET, }); const auth = app.auth(); async function writeClaims(userId: string, claims: object, merge = true) { console.log(`Setting claims for user with ID ${userId}`); try { const user = await auth.getUser(userId); const currentClaims = user.customClaims || {}; await auth.setCustomUserClaims( userId, merge ? { ...currentClaims,, } : claims, ); console.log(`Claims set successfully`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } process.exit(); } const userId = '<user_id>'; const claims = { role: 'super-admin' }; void writeClaims(userId, claims);

NB: Update the "userId" variable with the ID of your user.

To run the script, we can run the following command:

npx tsx ./assign-super-admin.ts

This command assumes you're running it from the root folder of your project.

After running the script, you user is a super admin. You may now need to sign out and then sign in again to see the changes if not working.

You can now navigate to the Admin at the path /admin of your application!

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