This documentation is for a legacy version of Remix Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Remix Supabase Turbo documentation

Project Configuration

Learn how and where to edit your project configuration in your Makerkit SaaS application.

Makerkit stores your project configuration in a Typescript file named configuration.ts, in which we store non-secret data needed in the client-side bundles of your project.

What is stored in the configuration file?

In this configuration file, we store data that is safe to be exposed in the client-side bundles of your project.

The configuration file contains the following data:

import getEnv from '~/core/get-env'; import type { Provider } from '@supabase/gotrue-js/src/lib/types'; const env = getEnv() ?? {}; const production = env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; enum Themes { Light = 'light', Dark = 'dark', } const configuration = { site: { name: 'Awesomely - Your SaaS Title', description: 'Your SaaS Description', themeColor: '#ffffff', themeColorDark: '#0a0a0a', siteUrl: env.SITE_URL, siteName: 'Awesomely', twitterHandle: '', githubHandle: '', language: 'en', convertKitFormId: '', locale: env.DEFAULT_LOCALE, }, auth: { // ensure this is the same as your Supabase project requireEmailConfirmation: true, // NB: Enable the providers below in the Supabase Console // in your production project providers: { emailPassword: true, phoneNumber: false, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google'] as Provider[], }, }, production, environment: env.ENVIRONMENT, features: { enableThemeSwitcher: true, }, theme: Themes.Light, paths: { signIn: '/auth/sign-in', signUp: '/auth/sign-up', signInMfa: '/auth/verify', signInFromLink: '/auth/link', callback: '/auth/callback', onboarding: `/onboarding`, appHome: '/dashboard', settings: { profile: '/settings/profile', authentication: '/settings/profile/authentication', email: '/settings/profile/email', password: '/settings/profile/password', }, api: { checkout: `/resources/ls/checkout`, customerPortal: `/resources/ls/customer-portal`, organizations: { create: `/resources/organizations/create`, transferOwnership: `/resources/organizations/transfer-ownership`, members: `/resources/organizations/members`, }, }, }, sentry: { dsn: env.SENTRY_DSN, }, subscriptions: { products: [ { name: 'Basic', productId: 57713, description: 'Description of your Basic plan', badge: `Up to 20 users`, features: [ 'Basic Reporting', 'Up to 20 users', '1GB for each user', 'Chat Support', ], plans: [ { name: 'Monthly', price: '$9', variantId: 55476, }, { name: 'Yearly', price: '$90', variantId: 55512, }, ], }, { name: 'Pro', badge: `Most Popular`, recommended: true, productId: 57719, description: 'Description of your Pro plan', features: [ 'Advanced Reporting', 'Up to 50 users', '5GB for each user', 'Chat and Phone Support', ], plans: [ { name: 'Monthly', price: '$29', variantId: 55483, trialPeriodDays: 0, }, { name: 'Yearly', price: '$200', variantId: 55482, trialPeriodDays: 0, }, ], }, { name: 'Premium', description: 'Description of your Premium plan', badge: ``, features: [ 'Advanced Reporting', 'Unlimited users', '50GB for each user', 'Account Manager', ], plans: [ { name: '', price: 'Contact us', variantId: 0, label: `Contact us`, href: `/contact`, }, ], }, ], }, }; export default configuration;

How should I store my secrets?

You should store your secrets in your non public environment variables, and ideally set up from your CI or Hosting Provider (such as Vercel).

Never add secrets to the configuration file, as it is exposed in the client-side bundles of your project.

Please refer to the Remix official documentation on how to best store your secrets.

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