This documentation is for a legacy version of Remix and Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Remix and Supabase V2 documentation

Extending Organizations in Remix.js Supabase SaaS Starter Kit

Learn how to extend the organization's data model in your Remix.js Supabase SaaS Starter Kit application

There are many ways you can extend the organization's data model in your applications: you will use this entity for the objects that are shared among the group's users.

For example, here is a popular scenario: we assume users can install integrations for their organizations. Integrations can have the following interface:

enum IntegrationType {
// etc
interface Integration<IntegrationData = unknown> {
type: IntegrationType;
data: IntegrationData;

Then, you can extend the organization's interface and add an integrations property to Organization, and initialize it as an empty array [] when you create a new integration:

interface Organization {
// ...
integrations: Integration[];