In this guide, you will learn how to add a waitlist to your Remix Supabase SaaS Starter kit to collect emails from interested users. This feature is useful for building an audience before launching your product.
This plugin allows you to create a waitlist for your app. Users can sign up for the waitlist and receive an email when the app is ready.
How it works
- You disable sign up in your app from Supabase. This prevents any user from using the public API to sign up.
- We create a new table in Supabase called
. Users will sign up for the waitlist and their email will be stored in this table. - When you want to enable a sign up for a user, mark users as
in thewaitlist
table. - The database trigger will create a new user in the
table and send an email to the user with a link to set their password. - The user can now sign in to the app and update their password.
Install the waitlist plugin from your main app:
pnpm add --filter web @kit/waitlist
Add migrations to your app
Make sure to place the waitlist migration in your app's migrations by moving the migration file from the plugin to the app's migration folder at apps/web/supabase/migrations
Now, re-run the migrations:
pnpm run supabase:web:reset
pnpm run supabase:web:typegen
You can now use the waitlist plugin in your app.
Replace the sign up form
Replace your sign up form with the waitlist form:
import { Link, MetaFunction, redirect, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import { SignUpMethodsContainer } from '@kit/auth/sign-up';
import { requireUser } from '@kit/supabase/require-user';
import { getSupabaseServerClient } from '@kit/supabase/server-client';
import { Button } from '@kit/ui/button';
import { Heading } from '@kit/ui/heading';
import { If } from '@kit/ui/if';
import { Trans } from '@kit/ui/trans';
import { signUpToWaitlistAction } from '@kit/waitlist/action';
import { WaitlistSignupForm } from '@kit/waitlist/client';
import authConfig from '~/config/auth.config';
import pathsConfig from '~/config/paths.config';
import { createI18nServerInstance } from '~/lib/i18n/i18n.server';
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const i18n = await createI18nServerInstance(request);
const inviteToken =
new URL(request.url).searchParams.get('invite_token') ?? '';
const user = await requireUser(getSupabaseServerClient(request));
if ( {
return redirect(;
return {
title: i18n.t('auth:signUp'),
export const meta: MetaFunction<typeof loader> = ({ data }) => {
return [
title: data?.title,
const paths = {
callback: pathsConfig.auth.callback,
const waitListEnabled = import.meta.env.VITE_WAITLIST_ENABLED === 'true';
export default function SignUpPage() {
const { inviteToken } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
const signInPath =
pathsConfig.auth.signIn +
(inviteToken ? `?invite_token=${inviteToken}` : '');
return (
<Heading level={4}>
<Trans i18nKey={'auth:signUpHeading'} />
<If condition={!waitListEnabled} fallback={<WaitlistSignupForm />}>
<div className={'justify-centers flex'}>
<Button asChild variant={'link'} size={'sm'}>
<Link to={signInPath}>
<Trans i18nKey={'auth:alreadyHaveAnAccount'} />
export const action = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const json = await request.json();
if (!waitListEnabled) {
return new Response(null, { status: 404 });
if (request.method !== 'POST') {
return new Response(null, { status: 405 });
return signUpToWaitlistAction(json);
In the example above, we check if the waitlist is enabled. If it is, we show the waitlist form. If it's not, we show the sign up form.
If you want to do the same, make sure to add the following environment variable to your .env
Adding the Database Webhook to listen for new signups
Let's extend the DB handler at apps/web/api/db/webhook/route.ts
import { LoaderFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import { getDatabaseWebhookHandlerService } from '@kit/database-webhooks';
import appConfig from '~/config/app.config';
import pathsConfig from '~/config/paths.config';
* @description POST handler for the webhook route that handles the webhook event
export const action = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const service = getDatabaseWebhookHandlerService();
try {
// handle the webhook event
await service.handleWebhook(request, {
async handleEvent(payload) {
if (payload.table === 'waitlist' && payload.record.approved) {
const { handleApprovedUserChange } = await import('@kit/waitlist/server');
const redirectTo = appConfig.url + pathsConfig.auth.passwordUpdate;
await handleApprovedUserChange({
// return a successful response
return new Response(null, { status: 200 });
} catch (error) {
// return an error response
return new Response(null, { status: 500 });
During dev, you can simply add the webhook to your seed file apps/web/supabase/seed.sql
create trigger "waitlist_approved_update" after update
on "public"."waitlist"
when (new.approved = true)
for each row
execute function "supabase_functions"."http_request"(
'{"Content-Type":"application/json", "X-Supabase-Event-Signature":"WEBHOOKSECRET"}',
The above creates a trigger that listens for updates to the waitlist
table and sends a POST request to the webhook route.
Note: You need to add this trigger to your production database as well. You will replace your WEBHOOKSECRET
with the secret you set in your .env
file and the host.docker.internal:3000
with your production URL.
Just like you did for the other existing triggers.
Approving users
Simply update the approved
column in the waitlist
table to true
to approve a user. You can do so from the Supabase dashboard or by running a query.
Alternatively, run an update based on the created_at timestamp:
update public.waitlist
set approved = true
where created_at < '2024-07-01';
Email Templates and URL Configuration
Please make sure to edit the email template in your Supabase account.
The default email in Supabase does not support PKCE and therefore does not work. By updating it - we replace the existing strategy with the token-based strategy - which the confirm
route in Makerkit can support.
Additionally, please add the following URL to your Supabase Redirect URLS allow list:
This will allow Supabase to redirect users to your app to set their password after they click the email link.
If you don't do this - the email links will not work.
Add the following translations to your auth.json
"waitlist": {
"heading": "Join the Waitlist for Early Access",
"submitButton": "Join Waitlist",
"error": "Ouch, we couldn't add you to the waitlist. Please try again.",
"errorDescription": "We couldn't add you to the waitlist. If you have already signed up, you are already on the waitlist.",
"success": "You're on the waitlist!",
"successDescription": "We'll let you know when you can sign up."
Easy peasy! Now you have a waitlist for your app.