Custom Analytics Provider

Learn how to create a custom analytics provider in Makerkit to integrate with your preferred analytics service.

The Analytics package in Makerkit is meant to be flexible and extensible. You can easily create custom analytics providers to integrate with your preferred analytics service.

To create a custom analytics provider, you need to implement the AnalyticsService interface and then register it with the AnalyticsManager.

You can define one or more custom analytics providers, and the AnalyticsManager will handle the initialization and tracking of events for each provider.

NB: the methods expect to be Promise-based, so you can use async/await or return a Promise, or use the keyword void to ignore the return value and use it in non-async functions.

Create your custom analytics service

Let's create a custom analytics service that implements the AnalyticsService interface:

import { AnalyticsService } from './path-to-types'; class MyCustomAnalyticsService implements AnalyticsService { async initialize() { // Initialize your analytics service } async identify(userId: string, traits?: Record<string, string>) { // Implement user identification } async trackPageView(url: string) { // Implement page view tracking } async trackEvent(eventName: string, eventProperties?: Record<string, string | string[]>) { // Implement event tracking } }

Register your custom provider

Update your analytics configuration file to include your custom provider:

import { createAnalyticsManager } from './analytics-manager'; import { MyCustomAnalyticsService } from './my-custom-analytics-service'; import type { AnalyticsManager } from './types'; export const analytics: AnalyticsManager = createAnalyticsManager({ providers: { myCustom: (config) => new MyCustomAnalyticsService(config), null: () => NullAnalyticsService, }, });

Using the Custom Analytics Provider

Once you've created and registered your custom analytics provider, you can use it in your application as you would with any other analytics provider:

All the registered providers will dispatch the same events, so you can use them interchangeably:

const analytics = createAnalyticsManager({ providers: { googleAnalytics: (config) => new GoogleAnalyticsService(config), mixpanel: (config) => new MixpanelService(config), myCustom: (config) => new MyCustomAnalyticsService(config), null: () => NullAnalyticsService, }, });

That's it! You've successfully created a custom analytics provider in Makerkit. You can now integrate with any analytics service of your choice.

Using the Custom Analytics Provider

Once you've created and registered your custom analytics provider, you can use it in your application as you would with any other analytics provider:

import { analytics } from '@kit/analytics'; void analytics.identify('user123', { name: 'John Doe' }); void analytics.trackEvent('Button Clicked', { buttonName: 'Submit' });

That's it! You've successfully created a custom analytics provider in Makerkit. You can now integrate with any analytics service of your choice.

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