Add an AI Text Editor to the Next.js Supabase SaaS Starter kit

Add an AI text editor to your Next.js Supabase SaaS Starter kit to provide a rich text editing experience to your users.

A Text Editor built with Lexical.


Pull the plugin from the main repository:

npx @makerkit/cli@latest plugins install text-editor

Now, install the plugin from your main app by adding the following to your package.json file:

"dependencies": {
"@kit/text-editor": "workspace:*"

And then run pnpm install to install the plugin.

Tailwind CSS Styles

Please update the Tailwind CSS styles to include the new folder:

export default {
darkMode: ['class'],
content: [
'../../packages/plugins/text-editor/src/**/*.tsx' // <-- add this line
// ...

AI Routes

Add the following AI Routes to your Next.js API routes:

One route at apps/web/app/api/editor/edit/route.ts:

import { createAIEditRouteHandler } from '@kit/text-editor/server';
export const POST = createAIEditRouteHandler;

And another route at apps/web/app/api/editor/autocomplete/route.ts:

import { createAIAutocompleteRouteHandler } from '@kit/text-editor/server';
export const POST = createAIAutocompleteRouteHandler;

Import the component

Now, you can import the component from the plugin:

import { TextEditor } from '@kit/text-editor';
import '@kit/text-editor/style';

And use it in your app:

<TextEditor />

You can assign the following props to the TextEditor component:

className?: string;
content?: string;
placeholder?: () => React.ReactElement;
onChange?: (content: string) => void;