Database Functions

Learn the most useful database functions in your schema

The database schema contains several functions that you can use so that you can extend your database with custom logic and RLS.

Check if a user is the Owner of an Account

This function checks if the user is the owner of an account. It is used in the accounts table to restrict access to the account owner.

public.is_account_owner(account_id uuid)

This is true if the account is the user's account or if the user created a team account.

Check if a user is a Member of an Account

This function checks if the user is a member of an account. It is used in the accounts table to restrict access to the account members.

public.has_role_on_account( account_id uuid, account_role varchar(50) default null )

If the account_role is not provided, it will return true if the user is a member of the account. If the account_role is provided, it will return true if the user has the specified role on the account.

Check if a user is a team member of an Account

Check if a user is a member of a team account. It is used in the accounts table to restrict access to the team members.

public.is_team_member( account_id uuid, user_id uuid )

Check if an account has permissions to action another account

This function checks if an account has permissions to action another account. It is used in the accounts table to restrict access to the account owner.

public.can_action_account_member( target_team_account_id uuid, target_user_id uuid )

This function will:

  1. check if the current user is the owner of the target account: if so, return true
  2. check if the target user is the owner of the target account: if so, return false
  3. compare the hierarchy of the roles between the two accounts: if the current user has a higher role than the target user, return true

This is useful to check if a user can remove another user from an account, or any other action that requires permissions.

Check Permissions

Check if a user has a specific permission on an account.

public.has_permission( user_id uuid, account_id uuid, permission_name app_permissions )

This function will return true if the user has the specified permission on the account.

The permissions are specified in the enum app_permissions. You can extend this enum to add more permissions.

Check if a configuration is set

Check if a configuration is set in the public.config table.

public.is_set( field_name text )

Check if an account has an active subscription

Check if an account has an active subscription.

public.has_active_subscription( account_id uuid )

This means that the subscription status is either active or trialing. In other words, the account billing is in good standing (eg. no unpaid invoice)

This is important because just checking if the subscription exists is not enough. You need to check if the subscription is active, as the status can vary (eg. canceled, incomplete, incomplete_expired, past_due, unpaid)

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