
The Alert component is used to display a message to the user.

The Alert component is used to display a message to the user - and can be used to display an info, success, warning or error messages.

The default type, if none is specified, is info.

Basic Usage

import { Alert } from '~/core/ui/Alert'; <Alert> This is an info message. </Alert>

You can also specify a title for the alert:

import { Alert, AlertHeading } from '~/core/ui/Alert'; <Alert> <AlertHeading>Alert Title</AlertHeading> This is an info message. </Alert>


The success type can be used to display a success message:

import { Alert, AlertHeading } from '~/core/ui/Alert'; <Alert type="success"> <AlertHeading>Congrats!</AlertHeading> You have successfully completed this task. </Alert>


The warn type can be used to display a warning message:

import { Alert, AlertHeading } from '~/core/ui/Alert'; <Alert type="warn"> <AlertHeading>Careful!</AlertHeading> You may want to double-check this before proceeding. </Alert>


The error type can be used to display an error message:

import { Alert, AlertHeading } from '~/core/ui/Alert'; <Alert type="error"> <AlertHeading>We hit an error</AlertHeading> <p> We are sorry, but we hit an error while processing your request. Please try again later. </p> </Alert>

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