
Tutorials, Guides and Updates about Tutorials

Cover Image for Building Multi-Step forms with React.js

Building Multi-Step forms with React.js

·14 min read
In this article, we explain how to build Multi-Step forms with Next.js and the library react-hook-form
Cover Image for Mastering URL Patterns in Next.js Middleware: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering URL Patterns in Next.js Middleware: A Comprehensive Guide

·5 min read
Learn how to implement and optimize URL pattern matching in Next.js middleware to create more efficient and maintainable server-side logic.
Cover Image for Building an AI Writer SaaS with Next.js and Supabase

Building an AI Writer SaaS with Next.js and Supabase

·57 min read
Learn how to build an AI Writer SaaS with Next.js and Supabase - from writing SEO optimized blog posts to managing subscriptions and billing.
Cover Image for Announcing the Data Loader SDK for Supabase

Announcing the Data Loader SDK for Supabase

·8 min read
We're excited to announce the Data Loader SDK for Supabase. It's a declarative, type-safe set of utilities to load data into your Supabase database that you can use in your Next.js or Remix apps.
Cover Image for Adding AI capabilities to your Next.js SaaS with Supabase and HuggingFace

Adding AI capabilities to your Next.js SaaS with Supabase and HuggingFace

·20 min read
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use add AI capabilities to your SaaS using Supabase Vector, HuggingFace models and Next.js Server Components.
Cover Image for Building an AI-powered Blog with Next.js and WordPress

Building an AI-powered Blog with Next.js and WordPress

·17 min read
Learn how to build a blog with Next.js 13 and WordPress and how to leverage AI to generate content.
Cover Image for Using Supabase Vault to store secrets

Using Supabase Vault to store secrets

·6 min read
Supabase Vault is a Postgres extension that allows you to store secrets in your database. This is a great way to store API keys, tokens, and other sensitive information. In this tutorial, we'll use Supabase Vault to store our API keys
Cover Image for Introduction to Next.js Server Actions

Introduction to Next.js Server Actions

·9 min read
Next.js Server Actions are a new feature introduced in Next.js 13 that allows you to run server code without having to create an API endpoint. In this article, we'll learn how to use them.
Cover Image for Next.js 13: complete guide to Server Components and the App Directory

Next.js 13: complete guide to Server Components and the App Directory

·19 min read
Unlock the full potential of Next.js 13 with our most complete and definitive tutorial on using server components and the app directory.
Cover Image for Pagination with React.js and Supabase

Pagination with React.js and Supabase

·6 min read
Discover the best practices for paginating data using Supabase and React.js using the Supabase Postgres client
Cover Image for How to sell code with Lemon Squeezy and Github

How to sell code with Lemon Squeezy and Github

·7 min read
Sell and monetize your code by giving private access to your Github repositories using Lemon Squeezy
Cover Image for Writing clean React

Writing clean React

·9 min read
Level up your React coding skills with Typescript using our comprehensive guide on writing clean code. Start writing clean React code, today.
Cover Image for How to use MeiliSearch with React

How to use MeiliSearch with React

·12 min read
Learn how to use MeiliSearch in your React application with this guide. We will use Meiliseach to add a search engine for our blog posts
Cover Image for Setting environment variables in Remix

Setting environment variables in Remix

·3 min read
Learn how to set environment variables in Remix and how to ensure that they are available in the client-side code.
Cover Image for Programmatic Authentication with Supabase and Cypress

Programmatic Authentication with Supabase and Cypress

·3 min read
Testing code that requires users to be signed in can be tricky. In this post, we show you how to sign in programmatically with Supabase Authentication to improve the speed of your Cypress tests and increase their reliability.
Cover Image for Reset the Supabase Database in Cypress

Reset the Supabase Database in Cypress

·4 min read
Resetting your database during E2E tests is important to prevent flakiness. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to reset the Supabase database in Cypress E2E tests.
Cover Image for Authenticating users with Remix and Supabase

Authenticating users with Remix and Supabase

·16 min read
Learn how to use Remix and Supabase to authenticate users in your application.
Cover Image for How Makerkit helps boost your SaaS SEO

How Makerkit helps boost your SaaS SEO

·4 min read
Learn how Makerkit can help boost your SaaS SEO thanks to its optimized codebase and SEO-friendly features.
Cover Image for How to sell code with Gumroad and Github

How to sell code with Gumroad and Github

·7 min read
Sell and monetize your code by giving private access to your Github repositories using Gumroad
Cover Image for Migrating to Next.js Server Components Layouts

Migrating to Next.js Server Components Layouts

·6 min read
A simple guide to migrating your _app.tsx component to the new Server Components released with Next.js 13
Cover Image for Getting Started with Next.js Server Components

Getting Started with Next.js Server Components

·8 min read
A simple introduction to using Server Components and the new Layouts Folder Structure with Next.js 13
Cover Image for Counting a collection's documents with Firebase Firestore

Counting a collection's documents with Firebase Firestore

·2 min read
In this article, we learn how to count the number of documents in a Firestore collection using a custom React.js hook.
Cover Image for Pagination with React.js and Firebase Firestore

Pagination with React.js and Firebase Firestore

·6 min read
In this article, we learn how to paginate data fetched from Firebase Firestore with React.js
Cover Image for Building a Language Switcher for Next.js

Building a Language Switcher for Next.js

·4 min read
In this article, we create a Language dropdown to switch to another language using Next.js and next-i18n.
Cover Image for Creating a Waitlist with Firebase Auth

Creating a Waitlist with Firebase Auth

·3 min read
Implement a waitlist sign-up with Firebase Auth and allow sign-ins in batches to your SaaS
Cover Image for Using ElasticSearch with Next.js

Using ElasticSearch with Next.js

·8 min read
In this article, we share how to use ElasticSearch with Next.js to index your Firestore documents and make them searchable.
Cover Image for Using Firestore in Firebase Storage Rules

Using Firestore in Firebase Storage Rules

·3 min read
Firebase Storage now allows you to use Firestore queries to in your security rules. Here is all you need to know!
Cover Image for Turn your Next.js application into a PWA

Turn your Next.js application into a PWA

·4 min read
PWA can make your app look native, faster, updatable and offline-ready. In this post, we learn how to make a PWA with a Next.js application.
Cover Image for Email Link Authentication with Firebase and Next.js

Email Link Authentication with Firebase and Next.js

·4 min read
Learn how to add Email Link authentication to your SaaS application with Firebase Auth and Next.js
Cover Image for Walkthrough: Starting a Makerkit project with Firebase and Next.js

Walkthrough: Starting a Makerkit project with Firebase and Next.js

·9 min read
This walkthrough is a summary of the documentation to quickly bootstrapping a SaaS project with Makerkit
Cover Image for Secure your Next.js application with Firebase AppCheck

Secure your Next.js application with Firebase AppCheck

·7 min read
Firebase AppCheck helps us protect our websites against bad actors such as automated bots. In this post, we integrate Firebase AppCheck in a Next.js application.
Cover Image for Programmatic Authentication with Firebase and Cypress

Programmatic Authentication with Firebase and Cypress

·4 min read
Testing Cypress can require your test users sign-in programmatically. In this article, we show you how to sign in users with Firebase and Cypress without using the UI.
Cover Image for Caching a Next.js API with Redis

Caching a Next.js API with Redis

·5 min read
Find out how to cache a Next.js Serverless API with Redis
Cover Image for The complete guide to Stripe and Next.js

The complete guide to Stripe and Next.js

·21 min read
Learn everything you need to start collecting payments for your Next.js application with Stripe Checkout
Cover Image for Improve your Next.js website Core Web Vitals

Improve your Next.js website Core Web Vitals

·7 min read
In this post, we share how to optimize the performance of your Next.js website and improve your Core Web Vitals
Cover Image for How to call an API with Next.js

How to call an API with Next.js

·8 min read
Learn how to call API endpoints in your Next.js application
Cover Image for When to use SSR with Next.js

When to use SSR with Next.js

·4 min read
Learn when to use SSR or SSG with your Next.js application
Cover Image for Blocking authentication with Firebase Auth Functions

Blocking authentication with Firebase Auth Functions

·2 min read
Firebase has introduced functions that allow us to write server logic before or after authenticating. Let's see how to use them.
Cover Image for How to make a Convertkit sign-up form with Next.js

How to make a Convertkit sign-up form with Next.js

·5 min read
Want to grow your Newsletter list? Learn how to build a sign-up form with Convertkit and Next.js
Cover Image for How to make a Sitemap with Next.js

How to make a Sitemap with Next.js

·5 min read
Sitemaps are fundamental for SEO. This post shares how to build a sitemap with Next.js
Cover Image for Group Security with Firestore Storage and Next.js

Group Security with Firestore Storage and Next.js

·6 min read
Learn how to write Firebase security rules for groups of users
Cover Image for Using Google Analytics with Next.js

Using Google Analytics with Next.js

·5 min read
A complete guide to using Next.js and Google Analytics
Cover Image for How to test Stripe Checkout with Cypress

How to test Stripe Checkout with Cypress

·8 min read
The full guide to testing Stripe Checkout with Cypress
Cover Image for Create an MDX-powered Blog with Next.js

Create an MDX-powered Blog with Next.js

·13 min read
Let's create an MDX-powered blog and portfolio starter that you can deploy right away with Next.js and Tailwind CSS
Cover Image for How to improve your Next.js site SEO ranking

How to improve your Next.js site SEO ranking

·8 min read
Learn the tips and techniques to develop a highly search-engine optimized Next.js website.
Cover Image for A Data Model for your Firebase SaaS

A Data Model for your Firebase SaaS

·9 min read
Learn how to architecture the data model of a SaaS application with Firebase Firestore
Cover Image for Using Firestore with Next.js

Using Firestore with Next.js

·7 min read
Learn how to start using Firebase Firestore in your Next.js and React application
Cover Image for In-depth guide to Firestore Security Rules

In-depth guide to Firestore Security Rules

·6 min read
Learn how to secure your Firebase Firestore database with Security Rules
Cover Image for Setting Up the Firebase Emulators with Next.js

Setting Up the Firebase Emulators with Next.js

·5 min read
A complete guide to setting up the Firebase Emulators within a Next.js and React application
Cover Image for The Ultimate Authentication Guide with Next.js and Firebase

The Ultimate Authentication Guide with Next.js and Firebase

·17 min read
The ultimate guide to adding Firebase authentication to any Next.js and React applications