Introducing the Makerkit Super Admin

The Makerkit Super Admin is an admin panel for SaaS applications built with Makerkit. It allows you to manage your users, subscriptions, and more.

4 min read
Cover Image for Introducing the Makerkit Super Admin

One of the most requested features for Makerkit is an admin panel for managing users, organizations and generally a way to build management tools within the SaaS application. Today, I am excited to announce the launch of the Makerkit Super Admin! 馃帀

Why do I need an admin panel, you ask?

As a SaaS founder, you'll be spending a lot of time in your admin panel. It's where you'll manage your users, subscriptions, and more. It's also where you'll be able to build custom tools for your SaaS application.

For example, you might want to build a tool that allows you to send a message to all your users. Or you might want to build a tool that allows you to manage your users' data.

The initial release of the Super Admin will offer you the following features:

  1. A Dashboard with an overview of your SaaS application - including active users, organizations, subscriptions, and number of trials
  2. A Users page where you can manage your users - including the ability ban, reactivate and impersonate users
  3. An Organizations page where you can manage your organizations - including the ability to view its members and the subscription status

More features will be added in the future, including the ability to manage your subscriptions, plans, and more.

Super Admin Features


The Dashboard gives you an overview of your SaaS application. It includes the following information:

  1. Number of subscribed users
  2. Number of Organizations
  3. Number of active subscriptions
  4. Number of trials
Super Admin Dashboard

Yes - it's still basic, but from here you can build upon it and add more information that is relevant to your SaaS application. For example, if your SaaS application is an AI Chatbot, you might want to add the number of conversations resolved by the chatbot. Or if your SaaS application is a CRM, you might want to add the number of leads generated, and so on.

Anything that helps you understand the health of your SaaS application can be added to the Dashboard - and you should likely do so!


The Users page allows you to manage your users. You can view all your users paginated and search for a specific user. You can also ban, reactivate and impersonate users.

Super Admin Users Page

You can view the detail of a user by clicking on the user's ID, where you can see the user's email, name, organizations, and other information.

Super Admin User Detail

Disabling/Banning users

Admins can easily disable/ban some users from the users page or from the user's page:

Super Admin Disable User

Impersonating Users

An extremely useful feature for SaaS founders is the ability to impersonate users, usually for debugging ot helping users out.

Super Admin Impersonate User


The Organizations page allows you to manage your organizations. You can view all your organizations paginated and search for a specific organization. You can also view its members and the subscription status.

Super Admin Organizations Page

View Members

The View Members page allows you to view all the members of an organization. You can also search for a specific member. From here, you can navigate to the detail of a member by clicking on the member's ID.

Super Admin Organization Members Page

When will it be available?

The initial version will be out on Wednesday 16 August 2023. Further updates will come soon.

Future Plans

The Super Admin is just the beginning. I have a lot of plans for the Super Admin, including the ability to manage your subscriptions, managing members, updating users and organizations, and more.

One of the things I am excited the most about is the ability to build plugins to better manage your SaaS. For example, a simple feedback tool that allows you to collect feedback from your users and manage it from the Super Admin. Or a CMS that allows you to manage your content from the Super Admin - and more.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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