Introducing Makerkit Lite: a lightweight Next.js SaaS Boilerplate

Introducing Makerkit Lite: a lightweight SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js and Supabase. It is a smaller, faster and simpler version that the original Makerkit template.

·3 min read
Cover Image for Introducing Makerkit Lite: a lightweight Next.js SaaS Boilerplate

Building a SaaS Boilerplate that ticks all the boxes for a variety of use-cases is a challenge. The original Makerkit template was built with a lot of features in mind, but it was also a bit too much for some use-cases. That's why I decided to build a smaller, faster and simpler version that the original Makerkit template.

Makerkit Lite is a lower-cost, lightweight version of the original Makerkit template. It can be yours for only $169, or free if you already have a license for the original Makerkit template.

Contact me for early access, or read on to learn more about Makerkit Lite.

What is Makerkit Lite?

Makerkit Lite is a lightweight SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js and Supabase. It is a smaller, faster and simpler version that the original Makerkit template, and is better suited for applications that do not require teams/organizations/roles, and only need English as the default language.

Compared to the original Makerkit template, Makerkit Lite removed the complexity of having organizations of users, an initial onboarding, and translation files. This means that Makerkit lite is better suited if your application only needs a single user, and only needs to support English as the default language.

What features does Makerkit Lite have?

Makerkit Lite has the following features:

  • Authentication with email/password, magic links, and social logins (Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub)
  • User profile with name, email, and profile picture
  • Billing and Subscriptions with Stripe (support for Lemon Squeezy will arrive)
  • Makerkit pages (landing page, FAQ, pricing)
  • Blog engine with MDX support
  • Sample Dashboard

It does not have:

  • Organizations/Teams
  • Translations
  • Initial onboarding

When should you use Makerkit lite?

Do you need organizations and translations? If not, then Makerkit Lite is for you. If you do, or planning on adding them later on, then the original Makerkit template is a better fit.

Generally speaking, it is better suited for B2C applications, or B2B applications that do not need organizations/teams/roles.

What technologies does Makerkit Lite use?

Makerkit Lite is built with Next.js, Supabase, TailwindCSS, and Stripe. I plan on adding support for Lemon Squeezy (just like the full Makerkit template) in the future.

At this time, it will only be available for Next.js and Supabase - but I will evaluate demand and feedback to see if I should add support for other frameworks and databases.

I have a license for the original Makerkit template, do I get Makerkit Lite for free?

Yes, it is free for full Makerkit template license holders.

I only want to buy Makerkit Lite, can I do that?

Yes, you can buy Makerkit Lite for $199.

I want to buy Makerkit Lite, but I also want to upgrade to the full Makerkit template later, can I do that?

Yes, I'll send you a link to upgrade to the full Makerkit template.

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