This documentation is for a legacy version of Remix Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Remix Supabase Turbo documentation

Change Authentication strategy

Learn how to change the authentication strategy in Makerkit. Choose between email and password, phone number, email link, and OAuth.

Makerkit supports various authentication strategies supported by Supabase. We can customize these using the global configuration at src/configurationt.ts.

In the configuration file, you can find the following code:

import type { Provider } from '@supabase/gotrue-js/src/lib/types'; // in your configuration JSON auth: { // ensure this is the same as your Supabase project. By default - it's true requireEmailConfirmation: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_REQUIRE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION === 'true', // NB: Enable the providers below in the Supabase Console // in your production project providers: { emailPassword: true, phoneNumber: false, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google'] as Provider[] }, },

We will need to edit this file to change the authentication strategy.

Enabling Email and Password Authentication

This is the default authentication strategy. It allows users to sign up and sign in using their email and password.

To enable this strategy, set providers.emailPassword to true.

providers: { emailPassword: false, phoneNumber: true, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google'] as Provider[], },

Enabling Phone Number Authentication

This strategy allows users to sign up and sign in using their phone number.

To enable this strategy, set providers.phoneNumber to true.

providers: { emailPassword: false, phoneNumber: true, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google'] as Provider[], },

This strategy allows users to sign up and sign in using their email address. A link will be sent to their email address to verify their identity.

To enable this strategy, set providers.emailLink to true.

providers: { emailPassword: false, phoneNumber: trfalseue, emailLink: true, oAuth: ['google'] as Provider[] },

Enabling OAuth Authentication

This strategy allows users to sign up and sign in using their social media accounts. You can enable multiple OAuth providers.

To enable this strategy, set providers.oAuth to an array of OAuth providers.

providers: { emailPassword: false, phoneNumber: false, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google', 'facebook'] as Provider[] },

The interface Provider is very important as it tells Makerkit which OAuth provider to use. You can find the list of supported OAuth providers here.

Can I use multiple authentication strategies?

Yes, you can use multiple authentication strategies. For example, you can enable email and password authentication and phone number authentication at the same time.

providers: { emailPassword: true, phoneNumber: true, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google', 'facebook'] as Provider[] },

With that said, the UI is not designed to support multiple authentication strategies. You will need to customize the UI to support multiple authentication strategies.

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