This documentation is for a legacy version of Remix Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Remix Supabase Turbo documentation

Global Configuration

Learn how to define the global configuration of a MakerKit application with Remix and Supabase

We store the global configuration of a MakerKit application in /configuration.ts.

Within any application file, we can use the path ~/configuration to import it from any other file.

The configuration has the following structure:

import getEnv from '~/core/get-env'; import type { Provider } from '@supabase/gotrue-js/src/lib/types'; const env = getEnv() ?? {}; const production = env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; const configuration = { site: { name: 'Awesomely - Your SaaS Title', description: 'Your SaaS Description', themeColor: '#ffffff', themeColorDark: '#0a0a0a', siteUrl: env.SITE_URL, siteName: 'Awesomely', twitterHandle: '', githubHandle: '', language: 'en', convertKitFormId: '', locale: env.DEFAULT_LOCALE, }, auth: { // ensure this is the same as your Supabase project // by default - it's true in production and false in development requireEmailConfirmation: production, // NB: Enable the providers below in the Supabase Console // in your production project providers: { emailPassword: true, phoneNumber: false, emailLink: false, oAuth: ['google'] as Provider[], }, }, production, environment: env.ENVIRONMENT, features: { enableThemeSwitcher: true, }, theme: Themes.Light, paths: { signIn: '/auth/sign-in', signUp: '/auth/sign-up', signInMfa: '/auth/verify', signInFromLink: '/auth/link', onboarding: `/onboarding`, appHome: '/dashboard', settings: { profile: '/settings/profile', authentication: '/settings/profile/authentication', email: '/settings/profile/email', password: '/settings/profile/password', }, api: { checkout: `/resources/stripe/checkout`, billingPortal: `/resources/stripe/portal`, organizations: { create: `/resources/organizations/create`, transferOwnership: `/resources/organizations/transfer-ownership`, members: `/resources/organizations/members`, }, }, }, sentry: { dsn: env.SENTRY_DSN, }, stripe: { products: [ { name: 'Basic', description: 'Description of your Basic plan', badge: `Up to 20 users`, features: [ 'Basic Reporting', 'Up to 20 users', '1GB for each user', 'Chat Support', ], plans: [ { name: 'Monthly', price: '$9', stripePriceId: 'basic-plan-mth', trialPeriodDays: 7, }, { name: 'Yearly', price: '$90', stripePriceId: 'basic-plan-yr', }, ], }, { name: 'Pro', badge: `Most Popular`, recommended: true, description: 'Description of your Pro plan', features: [ 'Advanced Reporting', 'Up to 50 users', '5GB for each user', 'Chat and Phone Support', ], plans: [ { name: 'Monthly', price: '$29', stripePriceId: 'pro-plan-mth', }, { name: 'Yearly', price: '$200', stripePriceId: 'pro-plan-yr', }, ], }, { name: 'Premium', description: 'Description of your Premium plan', badge: ``, features: [ 'Advanced Reporting', 'Unlimited users', '50GB for each user', 'Account Manager', ], plans: [ { name: '', price: 'Contact us', stripePriceId: '', label: `Contact us`, href: `/contact`, }, ], }, ], }, }; export default configuration;

These values are used throughout the application instead of being hardcoded into the codebase.

This file will not be committed (at least not the "secret" variable). So instead, you should define those variables within your favorite CI/CD.

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