This documentation is for a legacy version of Next.js Supabase. For the latest version, please visit the Next.js Supabase Turbo documentation

Custom React Hooks

Reference for the organizations React hooks


This hook returns the current organization. It's a wrapper around the OrganizationContext context. The returned value is an Organization object.

import { useCurrentOrganization } from '~/lib/organizations/hooks/use-current-organization'; const organzation = useCurrentOrganization();


This hook returns a boolean indicating whether the current organization has an active subscription. It's a shortcut around the useCurrentOrganization hook that checks if the status property is set to active or trialing.

import { useIsSubscriptionActive } from '~/lib/organizations/hooks/use-is-subscription-active'; const isSubscriptionActive = useIsSubscriptionActive();

Other Organization Hooks

The kit has many more hooks that are used internally: they are not meant to be used directly unless you want to update the logic or fix a bug.

All the hooks are available in the ~/lib/organizations/hooks directory.

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