Handling Webhooks

Learn how to handle billing webhooks with your custom code in Makerkit

Makerkit takes care of handling billing webhooks to update the Database based on the events received from Stripe.

Sometimes - you will need to set more webhooks, or do something custom with the webhooks.

In these cases, you can customize the billing webhook handler in Makerkit at api/billing/webhooks/route.ts.

By default, the webhook handler is set to service.handleWebhookEvent(request):

await service.handleWebhookEvent(request);

However, you can extend it using the callbacks provided by the BillingService:

await service.handleWebhookEvent(request, { onPaymentFailed: async (sessionId) => {}, onPaymentSucceeded: async (sessionId) => {}, onCheckoutSessionCompleted: async (subscription, customerId) => {}, onSubscriptionUpdated: async (subscription) => {}, onSubscriptionDeleted: async (subscriptionId) => {}, });

You can provide one or more of the callbacks to handle the events you are interested in.

If the event is not in one of these methods, you can handle it in the onEvent method:

await service.handleWebhookEvent(request, { async onEvent(data: unknown) { logger.info( `Received billing event`, ); // Your custom code here } });

However, you need to set the correct interface for the data parameter to handle the event correctly.

For example, to handle the invoice.payment_succeeded event, you can use the onEvent method:

await service.handleWebhookEvent(request, { async onEvent(data: unknown) { if (data.type === 'invoice.payment_succeeded') { const invoice = data as Stripe.Invoice; // Your custom code here } } });

You can find the list of events and their data in the Stripe documentation.

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