The Billing service API allows you to communicate with the billing service in Makerkit. You can use the API to manage billing for your preferred payment gateway.
To instantiate the billing service, you need to import the createBillingGatewayService
function from the @kit/billing-gateway
package. You can then use this service to manage subscriptions, one-off payments, and more.
import { createBillingGatewayService } from '@kit/billing-gateway';
const service = createBillingGatewayService('stripe');
Of course - it's best to get the billing provider from the subscriptions
record. This way, you can switch between providers without changing the code.
The createBillingGatewayService
instantiates a class that provides a set of methods for managing billing operations. The provider is determined by the BillingProviderSchema
passed to the constructor. The BillingGatewayService
class is a TypeScript class that provides a set of methods for managing billing operations. It uses the Strategy design pattern to delegate the actual implementation of these operations to a provider-specific strategy. The provider is determined by the BillingProviderSchema passed to the constructor.
The class provides methods for creating and retrieving checkout sessions, creating a billing portal session, cancelling a subscription, reporting and querying usage, and updating a subscription. Each of these methods accepts a parameter object that is validated and parsed using the corresponding Zod schema.
Creating a checkout session
The createCheckoutSession
method creates a checkout session for billing. It takes an object of type CreateBillingCheckoutSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information for creating a checkout session.
Below is the Zod schema accepted by the createCheckoutSession
returnUrl: z.string().url(),
accountId: z.string().uuid(),
plan: PlanSchema,
customerId: z.string().optional(),
customerEmail: z.string().email().optional(),
enableDiscountField: z.boolean().optional(),
variantQuantities: z.array(
variantId: z.string().min(1),
quantity: z.number(),
Retrieving a checkout session
The retrieveCheckoutSession
method retrieves the checkout session from the specified provider. It takes an object of type RetrieveCheckoutSessionSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information to retrieve the checkout session.
The method accepts the following Zod schema:
sessionId: z.string(),
Creating a billing portal session
The createBillingPortalSession
method creates a billing portal session. It takes an object of type CreateBillingPortalSessionSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information to create a billing portal session.
returnUrl: z.string().url(),
customerId: z.string().min(1),
Cancelling a subscription
The cancelSubscription
method cancels a subscription. It takes an object of type CancelSubscriptionParamsSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information to cancel a subscription.
The method accepts the Zod schema:
subscriptionId: z.string(),
invoiceNow: z.boolean().optional(),
Reporting metered usage
The reportUsage
method reports the usage of the billing to the provider. It takes an object of type ReportBillingUsageSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information to report the usage.
The method accepts the following Zod schema:
id: z.string({
'The id of the usage record. For Stripe a customer ID, for LS a subscription item ID.',
eventName: z
description: 'The name of the event that triggered the usage',
usage: z.object({
quantity: z.number(),
action: z.enum(['increment', 'set']).optional(),
Querying metered usage
The queryUsage
method queries the usage of the metered billing. It takes an object of type QueryBillingUsageSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information to query the usage.
To query usage, please provide the following Zod schema:
const TimeFilter = z.object(
startTime: z.number(),
endTime: z.number(),
description: `The time range to filter the usage records. Used for Stripe`,
const PageFilter = z.object(
page: z.number(),
size: z.number(),
description: `The page and size to filter the usage records. Used for LS`,
export const QueryBillingUsageSchema = z.object({
id: z.string({
'The id of the usage record. For Stripe a meter ID, for LS a subscription item ID.',
customerId: z.string({
description: 'The id of the customer in the billing system',
filter: z.union([TimeFilter, PageFilter]),
Updating a subscription
The updateSubscriptionItem
method updates a subscription with the specified parameters. It takes an object of type UpdateSubscriptionParamsSchema as a parameter, which contains the necessary information to update a subscription.
The method acceps the following Zod schema:
subscriptionId: z.string().min(1),
subscriptionItemId: z.string().min(1),
quantity: z.number().min(1),