API requests

Learn how to make requests to your Next.js Firebase API in Makerkit

To make requests to the API functions in the api folder, we provide a custom hook useApiRequest, a wrapper around fetch.

It has the following functionality:

  1. Automatically adds a Firebase AppCheck Token to the request headers if you enabled Firebase AppCheck
  2. Automatically adds a CSRF token to the request headers

We use this in conjunction with the swr to simplify its usage using React components.

import useApiRequest from '~/core/hooks/use-api'; interface Body { idToken: string; } export function useCreateSession() { const endpoint = '/api/session/sign-in'; const fetcher = useApiRequest<void, Body>(); return useSWRMutation(endpoint, (path, { arg }) => { return fetcher({ path, body: arg, }); }); }

You can use this hook in your components:

import { useCreateSession } from '~/core/hooks/use-create-session'; function Component() { const { trigger, ...mutationState } = useCreateSession(); return ( <> { mutationState.isMutating ? `Mutating...` : null } { mutationState.error ? `Error :(` : null } { mutationState.data ? `Yay, success!` : null } <SignInForm onSignIn={(idToken) => trigger({ idToken })} /> </> ); }

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