Feedback Popup Plugin for the Next.js Firebase Saas Starter Kit

This plugin adds a feedback popup to your Next.js application. You can import this component anywhere in your application. Also - this plugin provides some admin components to manage and view the feedback submitted by your users.

This plugin adds a feedback popup to your Next.js application. You can import this component anywhere in your application.

Also - this plugin provides some admin components to manage and view the feedback submitted by your users.

Using the Plugin


To install the plugin, you can use git subtrees from your original repository:

git subtree add --prefix plugins/feedback-popup feedback-popup --squash

After running this command, you will have the plugin in your repository at plugins/feedback-popup. Once pulled, you can apply any customization you need.

Using the CLI

If you're using the CLI, you can run the following command to install the plugin:

npx @makerkit/cli@latest plugins install

Follow the instructions to install the plugin.

If the installation fails

Some users are not able to install using the GitHub SSH URL. If you're having issues with that:

  1. properly set up SSH access to GitHub with your SSH key
  2. use the HTTPS URL instead of the SSH URL

To use the HTTPS URL, you can run the following command:

git subtree add --prefix plugins/feedback-popup feedback-popup --squash

Add the plugin as a workspace in your package.json

You can do so by adding the following to your package.json file:

"workspaces": [

Add it next to the other workspaces in your package.json file.

Add the paths alias to the TypeScript configuration

To make sure that the TypeScript compiler can find the plugin, you will need to add the following paths alias to your tsconfig.json file, in addition to the other paths aliases that you may have.

If not yet present, add the following to your tsconfig.json file:

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"~/plugins/*": [

You only need to add this once, even if you have multiple plugins.

Update TailwindCSS configuration

To make sure that the plugin's styles are applied, you will need to update your TailwindCSS configuration.

Add the plugins path to the content array of your tailwind.config.js file:

module.exports = {
// ...
content: [
// ...
// ...

This is only needed the first time you install any plugin.

Installing dependencies

To install the dependencies, you can run the following command:

npm i

NPM will install the dependencies in the plugins/feedback-popup folder as an NPM workspace.

Importing the Plugin

You can import the Chatbot component from the plugin in your app/layout.tsx file if you want it available on all pages:

import { FeedbackPopupContainer } from '~/plugins/feedback-popup/FeedbackPopup';
export default function Component() {
return (
<Button variant='outline'>Feedback</Button>

You can wrap any component with the FeedbackPopupContainer component to trigger the feedback popup. For example, an icon:

import { ChatBubbleLeftIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline';
import { FeedbackPopupContainer } from '~/plugins/feedback-popup/FeedbackPopup';
export default function Component() {
return (
<Button size="icon" variant='ghost'>
<ChatBubbleLeftIcon className={'h-6'} />

Check out this repository's SiteHeader component for an example of how it's implemented.

Adding Admin Routes

We need to import the routes from the plugin to the admin application.

Copy the admin routes files

Some of the admin routes are provided by the plugin. Now we have to copy them over to our own repository.

  1. Locate the file at src/pages/admin/feedback/page.tsx and paste the same content into your own repository.
  2. Do the same for the file at src/pages/admin/feedback/[id].tsx

Finally, add the page to the sidebar by updating the AdminSidebar component:

Icon={() => <ChatBubbleLeftRightIcon className={'h-6'} />}

Copy the API routes

The plugin provides some API routes to manage the feedback. We need to copy them over to our own repository.

First, create a route at src/pages/api/feedback/page.tsx and paste the following content:

import { addFeedbackSubmission } from '~/plugins/feedback-popup/lib/mutations';
export default addFeedbackSubmission;

Then, create a route at src/pages/api/admin/feedback/[id].ts and paste the content:

import { deleteFeedbackSubmission } from '~/plugins/feedback-popup/lib/mutations';
export default deleteFeedbackSubmission;

That's it! You should now be able to access the admin pages at /admin/feedback and /admin/feedback/[id].

Emulator Limitations

The emulator does not support creating signed URLs for the images. This means that we cannot display the uploaded images during development.