
The Badge component is used to display a small amount of information to the user.

The Badge component is used to display a small amount of information to the user. It can be used to display a count of items or a status. The default type is default but it can also be success, warning or error.

import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge> User </Badge>

You can also set a smaller size by using the size prop.

import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge size='sm'> User </Badge>

Alternatively, provide a fully custom Badge using the size, color and className props.

import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge size='custom' color='custom' className='py-2 px-4 rounded-sm border' > User </Badge>


Create a success badge by using the color prop.

import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge color='success'> Success </Badge>

Use an Icon next to the text:

import { CheckIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge size='small' color='success'> <CheckIcon className='h-3'> Success </Badge>


Create an errror badge by using the color prop.

import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge color='error'> Error </Badge>

Use an Icon next to the text:

import { CheckIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; import { Badge } from '~/core/ui/Badge'; <Badge size='small' color='error'> <CheckIcon className='h-3'> Error </Badge>

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